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Post Info TOPIC: mass production of floating family units, floating homes, water colonization


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mass production of floating family units, floating homes, water colonization

mass production of floating family units, floating homes, water colonization



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Posts: 25528

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  1. Topic: mass production of floating family units – concrete shell ... › ForumsArchiveStructure Designs
    Dec 1, 2009 – Topic: mass production of floating family units – concrete shell seasteading | Opening humanity's next frontier. ... Home › Forums › Archive › Structure Designs › mass production of .... One way to deal with it is to operate in calmer waters. ... ).
  2. Space colonization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Building colonies in space would require access to water, food, space, people, ... E = 1367/d² watts per square meter, where d is measured in astronomical units. ... Other proposed projects include space elevators, mass drivers, launch loops, .... It may be possible to colonize the three farthest gas giants with floating cities in ...
  3. History of the Falkland Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    1 Pre-European discovery; 2 European discovery; 3 Early colonisation .... From this body of water the island group later took its collective name. ..... be condemned as unseaworthy and were often employed as floating warehouses by local merchants. ..... and the breakdown of absentee landlord owned farms into family units.
  4. Colonization of the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Recent indication that water might be present in noteworthy quantities at the lunar ... be a structure that could "[float] in a stationary ocean of dust", since there were, ... This base would house a crew of 21, in modules placed four meters below the ... DeNike and Zahn favored nuclear reactors for energy production, because ...
  5. Beaver - University of Massachusetts Amherst
    As Europeans colonized New England, beaver pelts served as a form of currency, ... These areas also produce an abundance of food preferred by beavers. ... pond often fill with water forming canals that are used by beavers to float sticks and ... A single family unit of beavers is typically made up of two adults, that year's kits, ...
  6. Africa Brief - Situation Room - African Union - Peace and Security ...
    5 hours ago – “The 'softly softly' approach has not worked, and the time has come for a more focused approach which will produce meaningful results and ...
  7. Where Should We Build Space Colonies? - Space Settlement
    Mars has all the materials needed for colonization: oxygen, water, metals, .... As a result, the amount of solar energy available per unit surface area in Earth orbit ... the planet, reducing or eliminating solar power production for a few minutes, but .... You will float freely forever, or at least until it's time for lunch and Mom makes ...
  8. Aztec Culture and Society - Crystalinks
    The Spanish colonization of the Americas reached the mainland during the ... Canals were also cut out through the marsh so that a typical Aztec home had its .... Chinampas, misnamed "floating gardens", were long raised plant beds set ..... Although they worked the land in family units and were allowed to kept their produce...
  9. island - National Geographic Education
    An island is a body of land surrounded by water. ... The empty, lightweight bottles float on the top of the Gulf of Mexico and support Sowa's home and garden.
  10. Wind Dispersal Of Seeds - Wayne's Word
    Literally hundreds of species in many plant families have adopted this remarkable method ... He was focusing on a squadron of tiny parachute seeds high above his house. ... mother cell which divides into a mass of nutritive tissue inside the seed. ... on animals, (2) Drifting in ocean or fresh water, and (3) Floating in the wind.



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