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james cameron ocean colonization business development management

james cameron ocean colonization business development management



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  1. Aliens (1986) - IMDb
     Rating: 8.5/10 - 246086 votes
    The planet from Alien has been colonized, but contact is lost. This time, the rescue team has impressive firepower, but will it be enough?
    Directed by James Cameron. Starring Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn.
  2. Aliens (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Aliens is a 1986 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron and starring ... He volunteers to use the colony's transmitter to pilot the Sulaco's remaining ... produced an initial forty-five page treatment, although management changes at ... In the story of Aliens the Colonial Marines are hired to protect the business ...
  3. Space firm about to make a big announcement. I take a stab at what ...
    Philip Plait
    by Philip Plait - in 48,411 Google+ circles - More by Philip Plait
    18 Apr 2012 – But James Cameron has just become the third person to travel to the bottom of the ocean, having had his own craft developed in complete secrecy over 8 years. ... If you're building a moon colony, fine; the stuff's already there so you might .... Back in 1997, Jim Benson started up a company SpaceDev to get ...
  4. The new gold rush? Avatar director James Cameron and Google ...
    24 Apr 2012 – Backed by Google chiefs as well as James Cameron ... Planetary Resources, based in Bellevue, Washington, initially will focus on developing and selling extremely ... 'The opportunity exists to create a company whose mission is to be able to .... As for the 'dream' of colonizing Mars, an irradiated permafrost ...
  5. James Cameron Teases Avatar 4'I'm in the Avatar business. Period ...
    6 May 2012 – Aside from making to one of the deepest parts of the ocean and gathering materials ... James Cameron Teases Avatar 4'I'm in the Avatar business. ..... Cary began his career in marketing and brand management at Procter and .... Business Development Miles Beckett - Co-Founder & CEO Trela Media - http ...
  6. James Cameron, 'Avatar' Director: 'I'm In The 'Avatar' Business ...
    7 May 2012 – James Cameron Teases Avatar 4'I'm in the Avatar business. Period.'06 May 2012 | Written by James White | Source: New York Times (Via The ...
  7. Planetary Resources: Google Execs And Director James Cameron ...
    Catharine Smith
    by Catharine Smith - in 518 Google+ circles - More by Catharine Smith
    24 Apr 2012 – The opportunity exists to create a company whose mission is to be able to go and ... The company's first step is to develop technologies to cut the cost of ... orbited earth twice and then landed in the Pacific Ocean. ... James Cameron, Google's Eric Schmidt And Larry Page Back Space Exploration Project ...
  8. Are Ross Perot Jr. and Google's Founders Launching a New ...
    18 Apr 2012 – It's not clear what the firm does, but its roster of backers incudes Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, filmmaker James Cameron, ...
  9. Was Cameron's Deep Dive as Useless as Manned Space Flight ...
    26 Mar 2012 – If excitement is the real product, Cameron should be hunting giant ... It's worth asking whether the same logic applies to filmmaker James Cameron's just-completed dive to ... vehicles are already the tool of choice for exploring the deep ocean. ..... Take a 2 or 5 Day Executive Development Program or earn a ...
  10. Multi-trillion dollar asteroid mining project announced by Google ... › SciencesPhysical ScienceAstronomy
    24 Apr 2012 – Other than Cameron, the list of starry-eyed investors hopping aboard ... Mars mission manager, Chris Lewicki was named Planetary Resources's ... during the 21st and 22nd centuries and that will lead to colonization. ... Multi-trillion dollar asteroid mining project announced by Google and James Cameron ...



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James Cameron says today’s ocean exploration is “piss poor.” He’s right.

James Cameron is unhappy with the present state of ocean exploration. He's so unhappy that he's taken it upon himself to spearhead an effort to return to Challenger Deep, the deepest known point in all the world's oceans. In fact, he's making the trip this week — and he's making it alone.

To clarify, Cameron will be making the dive alone, but plenty of others will be assisting the mission in other ways — after all, Cameron isn't the only one unhappy with the current state of ocean exploration; he's drummed up experts from all over the world to make this excursion a reality.

Cameron's descent will be made in a custom-built submersible that he had specially designed for the almost 11,000-meter dive into the most cavernous reaches of the Marianas Trench. Conditions permitting, Cameron hopes to be on the bottom of Challenger Deep by this Wednesday.

Should he succeed, Cameron will become the third person in history to visit the deepest point on Earth. Go ahead and let that figure sink in for a moment. More people have walked on the surface of the Moon than have visited the bottom of the Marianas Trench. We've even been to the Moon more recently than we have the very bottom of the sea — the last (and only) time somebody visited Challenger Deep in person was in 1960. The overwhelming majority of our planet is covered in oceans, and yet we still know so few of their deepest, darkest secrets.


With this in mind, Cameron is working with researchers from around the world to make the dive a scientifically meaningful one. His seven-meter-tall submersible (named the DeepSea Challenger, featured up top and in this video) is equipped with a water sampler, a sediment collector, a "slurp gun" for nabbing animals, a robotic manipulator arm, cameras, and — of course — lots and lots of lights. He'll be accompanied by a trio of unmanned "landers," equipped with even more gadgets, samplers, and baited animal traps.

What is most remarkable about Cameron's expedition is how much potential is has for expanding our limited knowledge of the oceans' depths. Consider, for example, that if the DeepSea Challenger (or one of the three landers) returns to the surface with even a single fish from below 4,000 meters, it will be an unprecedented scientific achievement.

The Death of Deep Sea Science

The lack of knowledge surrounding the oceans' depths isn't particularly surprising when you realize that funding for deep sea research has been dwindling for years. And according to Craig McClain — chief editor at Deep Sea News, and a deep sea researcher, himself — more cuts to deep sea funding are imminent. McClain says that John R. Smith, the Science Director at the Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory, recently sent out an email notifying the community that

NOAA has zeroed out funding for the Undersea Research Program (NURP) for FY13 beginning Oct 1, 2012, and put all the centers on life support funding (or less) for the current year. Many other NOAA programs, mostly extramural ones, have been cut to some level, though it appears only NURP and another have had their funding zeroed out completely.

James Cameron says today's ocean exploration is “piss poor.” He's right.McClain says that what's especially striking about this "is that within the FY13 NOAA Budget, the Office of Ocean Exploration [the division that contains NURP] took the second biggest cut of all programs (-16.5%). Sadly, the biggest cut came to education programs (-55.1%)."

With any luck, Cameron's efforts will go a long way in piquing public interest in deep sea research. (We know, for example, that Pandora's oceans will feature prominently in the Avatar sequel, and that Cameron has even toyed with the idea of filming parts of the movie in the Marianas Trench.) Doug Bartlett, a marine microbiologist at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Cameron's chief scientist for the dive, thinks that the mission will help get kids "dreaming of the possibility of going into engineering and oceanography and all sorts of science fields." But Cameron says that reversing the decline of deep sea research will take more than his expedition, alone.

"I think we've got to do better," he told Nature News. "If it means getting private individuals together with institutions and bypassing the whole government paradigm, that's fine. Maybe that's what we need to do."

In the meantime, however, those interested in deep sea exploration would do well to fight for what little funding it has left. According to McClain, the best way to do that is to write a letter expressing support for deep sea research to Hawaii Senator Dan Inouye, with a copy to NOAA Director Jane Lubchenco. Their contact information is listed below, but you'll want to head over to Deep Sea News to learn more about the decline of deep sea science in the US.

The Honorable Dan Inouye
United States Senate
722 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1102
DC Phone: 202-224-3934
DC Fax: 202-224-6747
Website with additional contact info.

Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, NOAA
1401 Constitution Avenue NW Room 5128
Washington DC 20230
Phone: 202-482-3436



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