Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, ... have been built so far are large ocean-going ships sometimes called "floating cities" and ... The project picked up mainstream exposure in 2008 after having been ... The cruise ship industry's development suggests this may be possible.
1 Background; 2 The Seasteading Institute; 3 Future Cities Development; 4 Family ... Friedman was Executive Director of the Seasteading Institute, founded on April 15, ... The Institute's mission is "to establish permanent, autonomous ocean... Later, he co-founded the Future Cities Development Corporation, a project to ...
The ocean is the next frontier of human civilization ... That's why we work to enable “seasteads”—floating cities—which will give people the opportunity to ...
A Blue Revolution in ocean farming technology would launch seasteads to center stage;. Project OASIS (ocean algae for seastead integrated solutions) ...
3 Dec 2011 – Seasteading. Cities on the ocean. Seasteading: Libertarians dream of creating self-ruling floating cities. But can the many obstacles, not least ...
7 May 2012 – The Seasteading Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to ... “Our flagship project for 2012 is hosting a conference in San ... will surely be a landmark event for the development of oceanic cities across ... Myron Nordquist, the associate director of University of Virginia's Center for Ocean Law ...
The net result is a system that can be developed and deployed for without ... The Millennial Project is based around the concept of colonizing the ocean.... Fresh water management is covered in greater detail later in the water section below. ..... from simply linear collections of seasteads, to grids and ultimately to sea cities.
25 Jun 2012 – According to the Randolph Hencken, the Seasteading Institute director, “the ocean provides a space to innovate with political and social ...
1 Jun 2012 – Seasteading: How Ocean Cities Will Change the World ... The Portunus Project (of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), an offshore Port ... George Petrie (Seasteading Institute director of engineering) provided an overview of ...Seasteading will adopt what might work, not develop new technology.
25 Aug 2011 – Life on the ocean wave: A design for one of the floating cities which Peter ... was an obvious step towards encouraging the development of more efficient, ... Light city: Peter Thiel called the project, Seasteading, an 'open a frontier ...... play cop buddies in new comedy from the director of Bridesmaids; Stars ...
Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, oceanic business key player development network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter, sourcer, expedition, ocean elders, silvia earle, don walsh, ted turner, jean michel cousteau, rita colwell, jakson browne, graeme kelleher, neil young, sven lindblad, nainoa thompson,
15 may. 2017 - ellmer (Wilfried Ellmer) 2017-05-17 12:19:03 UTC #23 ... redtaping groups, pressure groups, regulation groups, contrary interest groups, the .... Cartagena Floating City | 3 minute boat ride to the city center | The value of the ... alliance | ocean colonization | seasteading | @nautilusmaker | Ellmer Group |.
Would these sea steads have a military? - The Seasteading Institute ...
3 dic. 2016 - Security force on a Seastead - violently subduing a citicen and ... ellmer: oceanic business alliance is a / opt in / opt out | group based on ... Breakaway Civilization | Seasteading | Ocean Colonization | Advanced Oceanic Cities ...
Seasteading • floating city • ellmer group • oceanic business alliance ...
17 dic. 2015 - Seasteading | Cities on the ocean | The Economist | ocean colonization | key player network | Ellmer Group | oceanic business alliance | marine ...
Wilfried Ellmer seasteading network | oceanic business alliance ...
17 mar. 2019 - Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization. ... get invested | nemo token | Ellmer Group | ocean colonization token | member club ..... principle and convert it to a "base technology" for floating oceanic cities.
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