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Post Info TOPIC: yacht submarine, development, feasibility


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Posts: 24718
yacht submarine, development, feasibility

yacht submarine, development, feasibility



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Posts: 24718



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Posts: 24718

  1. captain nemo, submarine yacht, feasibility, cost, concept, purchase ...
    Nov 4, 2012 – captain nemo, submarine yacht, feasibility, cost, concept, purchase. ... floating concrete shell hulls as we developed them ... to propose the ...
  2. feasibility of a submarine yacht, affordable, lifestyle ...
    Jul 6, 2012 – feasibility of a submarine yacht, affordable, lifestyle. ... management, projects, subsidiary openings, colombia industry development key player ...
  3. Nuclear marine propulsion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Like sailing ships, nuclear vessels are independent of the vagaries of procurement of fuel at every port. .... The Soviet Union also developed nuclear submarines. ... Nuclear propulsion has proven both technically and economically feasible for ...
  4. I-400-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    He commissioned Captain Kameto Kuroshima to make a feasibility study. ... It was raised mechanically to a height of 8 m (26 ft) via a motor inside the boat. ..... PBS documentary on the development and use of the I400-class submarine ...
  5. Nuclear-Powered Ships | Nuclear Submarines
    Nautilus led to the parallel development of further (Skate-class) submarines, ..... to 1972, testing the feasibility of such air-portable units for remote locations.
  6. TeamTriton Submarines | Triton Submarines
    After its presentation at the 2012 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show ..... The company also developed business plans on a consulting basis for a wide array ... He has carried out extensive site feasibility surveys in the Caribbean, Pacific, ...
  7. Submarine Yachts as a Business
    I believe that the prototype that i developed sets the base for a submarine yacht that can deliver anything a normal yacht delivers - fun, status, living space, independence, .... It looks feasible and desireable business in any business plan.
  8. Submarines in the Civil War - Navy & Marine Living History ...
    That boat's only unique claim to fame is that it was the first submarine to ... the feasibility of designing, building, and successfully employing submarines was ... The summer of 1861 also witnessed the development of another new submarine, ...
  9. [PDF]

    US Submarine Structures LLC
    the Poseidon Undersea Resort project, now under development at a private island in Fiji. Based on ... research and luxury deep submersibles for yacht-based operations. .... The project starts with a feasibility study where we'll inspect the site, ...
  10. [PDF]

    Navy Ohio Replacement (SSBN[X]) Ballistic Missile Submarine ...
    by R O'Rourke - 2012 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    Mar 14, 2013 – development work on the Ohio replacement program (ORP), a program ... Under the Navy's FY2012 budget, the first Ohio replacement boat was ... be feasible and cost effective to restore the start of procurement to FY2019, as ...



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Captain Nemo, submarine yacht, feasibility, cost, concept, purchase, what was fiction in Jules Vernes times is a feasible yacht concept in our days. A submarine Yacht can be a private vessel that can be more economic in cubic meter living space and cost of maintenance than normal surface yachts. Th...
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Posts: 24718

Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /

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