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Post Info TOPIC: draupner wave, safe ocean travel, submarine yachts, submarine tankers


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draupner wave, safe ocean travel, submarine yachts, submarine tankers

draupner wave, safe ocean travel, submarine yachts, submarine tankers



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  1. Rogue wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Draupner wave, a single giant wave measured on New Year's Day 1995, finally .... "Walls of water" travelling up to 10 km (6.2 mi) through the ocean; "Three ...
  2. The Wave That Changed Science - The Future Of Things › Personal Column
    Mar 3, 2008 - Those Rogue Waves, as they were called, appeared suddenly and ... models predicted that the biggest possible ocean storm wave could be ... Where then did the Draupner Wave, as it came to be known, come from? ... For example, it is well know that high frequency waves travel slower over the ocean ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 4/9/12
  3. The directional spreading of the Draupner wave and sea-state ...
    One unusual aspect of the Draupner wave was the low frequency set-up beneath ... suggesting that there was little wave energy travelling at angles greater than ..... Ad****, T. A. A. and P. H. Taylor, 2009a: Estimating ocean wave directional ...
  4. Studying And Surfing The Ocean's Monster Waves : NPR › Arts & LifeBooksAuthor Interviews
    Sep 11, 2010 - Huge waves have confounded sailors, scientists and surfers for years, ... trip to Iceland and back (punctuated by a little seasickness perhaps, but nothing major). ... Months later, long after Avery had returned everyone safely to the .... While the Draupner sustained only moderate damage, the proof was there.
  5. Extreme Waves - The National Academies Press
    These are extreme waves, waves that can stretch 100-feet high posing an imminent ... for service in the rough waters and rough weather of the Southern Ocean.
  6. [PDF]

    Danger: Rogue Waves S
    instruments aboard the Draupner oil platform in the North Sea ... disturbances in the ocean, such as a volcano or an earthquake .... waves that travel in one direction, and extending it to ... to pass safely across the ocean without encountering ...
  7. On the crest of a freak wave - University of Oxford
    Jun 15, 2011 - ... spotted · Heart drug 'safe for kidney patients'; On the crest of a freak wave ... However, real ocean waves never all move in quite the same ... OSB: Why is the Draupner wave interesting to study? ... the giant wave is the sum of two wave groups that were travelling at roughly right angles through each other.
  8. [PDF]

    A chronology of freaque wave encounters - Geofizika
    by PC Liu - 2007 - Cited by 19 - Related articles
    with the unexpected and unusually large waves in the ocean have been told and proffered among ... 102 people were washed safely ashore on a portion of the deck. (Source: ... 1884: Steamer Daniel Steinmann, an iron ship of 1,785 tons was traveling ..... That wave, often referred to as the Draupner wave had a 26.
  9. Freak Waves on the High Seas : Discovery News
    Jun 24, 2011 - Rogue waves likely strike when waves are running perpendicular to each other. ... the end of a Southern Ocean voyage that could charitably be described as vexing. ... Some months later, safely back on dry land, I sat dockside and ... a measuring instrument was the Draupner wave of 1995, which struck an ...
  10. Adventure Travel - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
    One Rogue Wave: A Fishing Trip Goes Horribly Wrong ... Then the ocean rose up. .... Then on New Year's Day 1995, the Draupner oil platform off the coast of ... Owl. Only after the five men were safely aboard did they see Robinson and Clarke ...



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