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Post Info TOPIC: seasteading implementation plan delta sync


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seasteading implementation plan delta sync

Seasteading implementation plan dutch design company Delta Sync. The plan does a great job by tackling the matter of Seasteading as a city development issue instead of a "structure building issue". On the other hand the suggested solution of building suburban standard houses on floating platforms looks like a shortfall on the possibilities, and the suggested cost per squaremeter is too high. Only if real estate squaremeters on the ocean burn down to the same cost frame as real estate squaremeters on land - seasteading will really take off.

A interesting option seems to adapt the concrete sphere suggested for wind energy storage, for housing more

It is very much along the lines of the oceanic bubble living space concept suggested here earlier.... read more

At the end 99% of all living space available on planet earth is water so we are overdue with a population growth of 1 billion per decade to come up with suitable housing solutions for it... read more



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The cost of the platform at €1100 per squaremeter seems way to high - we have built test platforms between USD 166 and USD 480 per squaremeter (depending on project circumstances) in South Ameria already.

The additional benefit of economy of scale should bring the number down below USD 166 per squaremeter on a large scale site - so i think Delta Sync is off target here by a factor 10 ...



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If costs are really so high in the Netherlands we should consider to build the seastead somewhere else and tow it to its anchor site - this is already of the shelf engineering performed on large scale at the Monaco floating breakwater which was built in Algeciras Spain and towed over the high seas to Monaco. It is a 160.000 ton floating box that contains a shopping mall and a parkhouse - so what is "subject of study" in this report. Is floating reality in Monaco already...


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Delta Sync recommendation to build a floating platform 50x50m and build a house on it - is definity not the best option and kind of ruled out by the experiences of the ecuador floating base...

A lot of unpleaseant movement in small waves, almost no mobility - we can do much better...



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Video of building and floating of the concrete floating base...


check wave movement



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Much better options are available - see ramform - such  a platform can deal with waves like a ship - is quite mobile, and can be performed in concrete honeycomb and shell construction, wave impact proof dome shells, can deal with the "tail events" of ocean exposure much better than a family house design. If you put it on the ocean, design it right away for being washed over by a exceptional wave every 50 years or so....

read more: here



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To stabilize a platform on the ocean you need it similar wide as Nkossa, or Ramform Banff, to deal with a Draupner Wave you need a kind of ship bow on the platform. The whole idea of building a landhouse on a floating platform may be suitable for wave protected swamp areas in the Netherlands but for seagoing living space dome structures that can take a wave impact are by far better suitable.

Something like this:

. . .



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Or submerge the living space bubble right away and get it out of the reach of a breaking wavecrests type Draupner....



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