The Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) programme also known as “Benazir Kafaalat Program” is the core programme of BISP. It was initiated in the year 2008. Since inception, the UCT/ Kafaalat initiative has grown to the extent that it is now the largest single cash transfer programme in Pakistan's history. Short term objective of the programme was to cushion against negative effects of slow economic growth, food crisis and inflation on the poor, particularly women, through provision of cash assistance to eligible families. The long term objectives of programme was to eradicate extreme and chronic poverty, along with women empowerment, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BISP is currently providing cash assistance to around 9 million families under Benazir Kafaalatprogramme. Starting from Rs. 3,000/-per beneficiary per quarter, the present BenazirKafaalat stipend is Rs. 8,500/- per beneficiary per quarter.