I have a hard time writing lately, so this will likely be splattershot and hard to make sense of, so bare with me. I'm Mikey, aka stoop kid or stoop. I got that name when I was 20ish. I received house arrest after rolling a "borrowed"car, and I ended up stuck at our ****ty little squat for 6 months just outside of Milwaukee WI. They set it up in a way that I could only go as far as the front stoop, if I went into my yard (where everyone chilled all day) the pigs would show up. So those days were filled with friends torchering me by putting booze narcotics or food just out of reach and they'd hit me with the hey Arnold "stoop kids afraid to leave the stoop". That stupid **** stuck. Anyway, grew up around Milwaukee, with two older siblings, brother and sister, both heroin addict crusties. They sparked my interest in both the punk scene, and unfortunately the seemingly always nearby junk scene. Traveling has always been a coping mechanism when things got too heavy, there are many stories of me as a child being found in relatives and family friends cars if I heard they were going somewhere far. This continued, hitch hiked around the midwest as a teen, once I hit adult hood I caved into what I was always told I should be doing, got the 9 to 5 job, a pretty girl and signed a lease to an apartment and hated every ****in second, ended up getting crazy medicating the monotony with heroin and cheap whiskey, a few attempts to check out early, lost everything, pretty much turned into a pile of **** with my siblings and schemed and scammed with them all day for years. My brother got locked up and he convinced me to get clean, some distant relatives offered to pay for a bougie rehab and winter was coming so I said **** it and did the thing, and ended up at a sober living house for the next 6 months... Til my bro got released and was found dead after being given a hot shot over a false rumor that he had snitched on someone. (Two days later paperwork came out and the guy who started the rumors was the one who snitched). That **** broke me, moved in with my girl because everyone was thinking I was gonna off myself and I was sick of hearing about it. Anyway, I end up being okay, and life started going alright for the next few months. Found out I had knocked up my girl and she was a few months pregnant with twins, **** I never ever thought id be stoked for. 3 months after my brothers funeral to the day she was killed by a drunk driver. I ended up losing my ****, series of car crashes, overdoses, just off the rails bat **** crazy, jumping out of cars on the interstate, destroying friends houses, and just an overall **** of a person. Tried to travel, hopped a couple trains around the midwest but honestly barely remember, made it to Cali, then Eventually Florida, back to Milwaukee and finally ended up in prison. 3 years for headbutting a cop and possession. Okay I'll wrap this up, this got too longwinded. I got outta prison, got an apartment met a bad ass chick and signed another ****ty year lease. By the end we were both going stir crazy, of and on heroin use etc, some **** happened resulting in my apartment being surrounded and we left the apartment with a backpack and 50 bucks and haven't been back. That was 2 years ago, stayed in Mississippi for a bit, scored a sketchy truck and we traveled all over, eventually landing at slabs, stayed for 5 months, wasn't for me. Too much predatory behavior was being swept under the rug, and cop calling seemed accepted, hit the road again, and ended up in Corona CA, opiates found us and we are trying to overcome that so we aren't tied down, pigs took the truck so we're on the street, and I'm starting to feel like a homebum, and these last couple years have made me feel content, and have me wanting to live. So here I am. Planning to hop out of west colton soon, came here to meet friends (so far with the exception of a couple slabbers, I have met a steady line up of fake, rude, theiving schmucks, since getting into the state) , maybe barter a couch and or a shower, or, someone who is more familiar with the WC yard to show me which hop out is best for the ebd's. This intro somehow turned into a very longwinded bio only the worst parts of my life, sorry if I made you folks depressed.
Seeing your siblings struggle with heroin addiction must have been incredibly tough. Family dynamics and experiences can have a big impact on our own paths, but it's possible to break free from those patterns with time and support.
Reading your story from three years ago shows how far you've come since then. It must have been tough dealing with house arrest and the pressures of addiction around you. It's great to see that you were able to find ways to cope, like traveling. If you're still dealing with substance abuse issues or struggling with your mental health, it's important to know that help is available. Seeking out a substance abuse disorder treatment program or therapy can provide you with the tools and support you need to work through these challenges and continue moving forward in your journey.