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Post Info TOPIC: Graphene and Super capacitor (battery) manufacturers?

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Graphene and Super capacitor (battery) manufacturers?

With us on the dawn of the renewable energy movement, we are going to see a massive leap forward with energy storage technology to keep up with the demand that is needed to store renewable energy, obviously wind and solar only offer temporary supplies of the energy we need when the sun shines or the wind blows, that leaves us with massive dilemma of harvesting that energy for future usage, lithium ion and phosphate batteries are ok for small off grid applications but bringing them to an industrial scale is expensive, impractical and has a short life cycle of 5-10 years, this is where graphene super capacitors battery come in, with life cycles of over 100,000 charges and discharge, these battery caps are able to last a life time and more, can be charged with high amps in seconds vs minutes or hours in comparison to regular batteries, are extremely lightweight so would be perfect for the electric car industry but not limited to that, the phone industry is what could rocket this technology into orbit! the next gen phones will be able to be charged for the whole day with a 1 minute charge, storage of energy at the national grid will soon be a thing of the past as graphene cap storage banks will now be in individual homes and factories to power us through the peak electricity hours, obviously we are expecting Tesla to lead the way with this, but who else will benefit along the supply line as this take off? a company here in the U.K. is Haydale graphene industries that I know is on here but a lot of the other suppliers seem to be overseas and not listed as yet, does anyone know of any more companies on here or that could be added that are in this industry line or will be a major player in this up and coming technology boom?



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What do you all think about the future of graphene and supercapacitor batteries?


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The advancements in battery technology are truly electrifying and with companies like in the mix, the future looks brighter than ever!

I've checked out the site, and gotta say, they seem to be dialed into some serious innovation. But let's break it down: graphene and supercapacitors, they're like the dynamic duo of the energy world, right? The potential for longer-lasting, faster-charging batteries is huge, and it's exciting to see who's leading the charge.

As for my take, I reckon investing in these cutting-edge technologies could be a game-changer. After all, staying ahead of the curve is what it's all about in the trading game, am I right? But hey, I'm just one voice in the crowd.

-- Edited by SaymonSax on Tuesday 21st of May 2024 07:20:56 AM

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