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Post Info TOPIC: sustainability, population growth, consumption growth, ocean colonization, urgent survival need


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sustainability, population growth, consumption growth, ocean colonization, urgent survival need


Sustainability, population growth, consumption growth, ocean colonization, urgent survival need, no space to develop on Land, mass extinction of species in progress, rivets popping out of "spaceship earth's" global life support system. Only exponential scientific progress, and fast application of new technology, can safe humanity and make the human project on earth sustainable. Only the ocean can supply the resources necessary. Land based "business as usual" is not feasible - it is a guaranteed way to stagnation - starvation, distribution conflict - and doomsday confronting one group of humans against another...



The madness is not in making a serious effort for ocean colonization the madness is thinking we can go on with "business as usual" in the next three decades comming up...


The madness is not let science free and unrestricted - the madness is to believe a "restriction of scientific and technological development" will make us safer.


We might have reached the planetary maximum of sustainability 2-3 decades ago when the global population was half as it is now. We are currently at almost 7 billion humans on the planet, and the continents may only be able to bare with 3-4 billion humans sustained with normal agriculture as we know it. The overwork of agriculture land is pointing to a diminuishing food production (damage of fertilizer, erosion, desertification, plages, monoculture) rather than to a growth in food production to expect.



Fisheries are in free fall due to the near extinction of all species of wildstock.



The only resource left to tap into for supply of more humans  is the vast space of the ocean and its giant housing squaremeter and food production capability if we domesticate oceanic food production ...



We are dealing with 2 exponential functions sitting on top of each other - "population growth per capita" AND "expansion of human needs and wish for a better life" even if population growth would stabilize (i doubt that it will) Chineese people stepping out of mao suit, one kid family, wanting a car, and Indian population stepping out of slum conditions will STILL create a exponential growth of "human needs for production and consumption".



Even worse the frequently mentioned "stabilization of population numbers in developed countries" are rendered insignificant by the still exponential expansion of GPD in fully industrialized countries driven by more and more demand for goods like consumer electronics that did not even exist in the "seventies" and now come "to market" in a ever faster rithm creating faster growing needs.


If we do rule out (and we should do that) that a global absolute regime puts any family on a "one child" politics with "food, mao suits, and bicicle" as only "consumer goods". There is just no way to anything near stabilization and sustainability on the planet - not even in the most optimistic dream scenario.



If we accept this "no way to sustainability" beyond the next 2 decades, as a fact,  the question arises what is the "technology" that will safe humanity from breakdown, global distribution conflicts, and can absorb the "gargantuan overflow of human needs".


The only answer that comes to mind is "massive ocean colonization for solving housing needs" and "massive ocean domestication for growing food" - the oceans are the "last massive resource on the planet" we can tap into.



99% of the space volume on the planet is in the waterbody of the oceans.



After the 3-5 decade of period of "additional unlimited expansion on the planet that the ocean can buy us, if we play our cards well, only space colonization is big enough to deal with exponential growing human needs.



All the said above places the topic of ocean colonization in the center of human survival on the planet. It stands out as the only means at hand that can bring the human race trough the 21st Century without perishing in distribution conflicts. A rocket fast cience and development boost bringing up new technologies is required. Sclerotic politics and redtaping can not longer be afforded. Free spirited floating city states are the correct ambient to host this boom.


- read more here about ocean and freedom of business:



- read more here about Venice as historic model of renaissance:




Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:


The oceans supply every second breath we take... Richard Branson


Oceanic housing solution concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /




Current Population is Three Times the Sustainable Level   | ref 




no more space for human activity on the continents - need to expand to the sea


Is the world running out of space ?  | BBC article

-- Edited by admin on Monday 2nd of October 2017 04:45:10 PM



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Humanity growing out of its childhood pants - brings up a wide array of problems that can only be solved by developing technology and science even faster and leave behind Neandertal thinking of group building - we against them - politics and divisions in all its forms. (race, religion, parties, states, borders, national, politics, sistems, restrictions, poverty, ) are "part of the problem" - not "part of the solution". We need to lower the dose of those dangerous ingredients in the human project, extremly fast and increment the good ingredients, freedom, globalization, and scientific progress, business development,  ocean colonization -  holds a key role in this process.


oceanic planet, population growth

Overpopulation and the quest for space on the planet will obligate mankind to use the space resources that have been untouched so far. 99% of our “available space volume” is in the waterbody of the oceans.
I postulate that land space can only carry, nurture, and supply, some 4 billion humans. We passed this mark some 2 decades ago. We have now 6 billion living on the continents this severe overpopulation is causing mass extinctons of species. In 3 decades we may have 9 billion humans. 5 billion of them will need to establish their housing space, their food supply, their production needs in and on the oceans. Just looking at these figures we can size up “oceanic business as the next big thing to come”. Depending where we put the “population overflow” from the continents this creates a floating real estate business ( ) a oceanic aquaculture busines ( ) and all sort of floating marine business clusters, of never seen size in human history.

In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now.
Back then the “equilibrium on the planet” was still “more or less ok” today it isn’t – today we must do something radical to make things sustainable and this radical thing is “massive seasteading” and “massive ocean domestication”. It is not a choice, not an option, it is the only way to go…

The real estate squaremeter number that needs to be built on the ocean in floating structures is the equivlent of 70 Empire State Buildings, per day, – each day – during the next 30 years. Just to supply the demand, and give 40 squaremeters of housing space to each additional born human on the planet. This sounds like the future of companies that can build housing structures on the ocean is quite promising…



The benefits and downsides of building into the sea...








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Population growth - a exponential tendency since the last the ice age, has become VERTICAL today, we get a ADDITIONAL billion every ten years.  In 1970 there where only HALF as many humans on the planet as there are today. To keep us calm politicans talk about "indicators of stabilization" but we are far from it - they just have no idea what to do about it, so "talking calm to the masses" facing "non sustainability" is all they can come up with...

Have a closer look at the actual development:

What politicians should do by now instead of "talking calm" is put emergency investigation money behind "ocean colonization" and "ocean domestication" which is the only way to push the point of "catastrophic non sustainability" some 3 decades or more, back in time, and buy us the "much needed extra time" to develop and get ready for space colonization the "final frontier" of humanity that allows us to live our expansive nature finally virtually limitless.

The step to ocean colonization and domestication is as important as fire and agriculture, in our species history. As it is the last step before space colonization and we have only one shot for doing it right - certainly we do not have time to waste with politics.


-- Edited by admin on Sunday 2nd of April 2017 01:41:20 PM



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The good news is - this is not new at all.

Our ancestors have been "running out of hunting grounds", out of mammoths, needed to step out of Africa, to tap into new resources on new continents, -  to expand and to be "on the brink of non sustainability" is almost part of "the human base condition" - we have "been there and we have done that" many times in history before. Modern technology and ocean colonization can "give us a way out" this time - ( if we play our cards well).

The difficult thing - we have only one shot to get it right. We need to do smart and wise things in a global way, in a massive way, and we need to start doing so inmediatly as the timeframe to bring up all those necessary changes is quite short given the pressure of demographic developments.

- read more here:


-- Edited by admin on Saturday 12th of November 2016 04:37:35 PM



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expanding consumption

The other shocking development, even in the few fully industrialized nations where population growth  is more or less stabilizing, consumption and production is far from stabilizing the demand for goods is still growing exponential. This creates that situation that the exponential growing consumption per capita graph is sitting on top of another exponential graph of population growth...

All this points to a future FAR from any point of stabilizing....only a even faster "explosion of technology" can save humanity from starvation and perishing in "distribution conflicts".

Ocean colonization and ocean domestication, driven by technology, is in the center of the solution.



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As people step out of conditions of extreme poverty meat and protein consumption is also taking an exponential development... another exponential development sitting on top of another exponential development.

We can not handle that with the existing "cattle farming infrastructure" protein supply needs to come from a new, vast, untapped, and undeveloped resource, -  the oceans...

Read more:


Another "exponential development sitting on top of an exponential development" - life expectancy ! - it is expected to more than triple  from under 40 years in Grandpa's time to 150 years in 2087 !


-- Edited by admin on Sunday 2nd of April 2017 01:42:00 PM



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Oceanic Aquaculture, the only thing that is at hand, capeable to be massive enough, to supply the nutrition needs of the exploding human population on earth.  Of course the development of oceanic aquaculture will imply the establishment of permanent housing space at sea.

/ Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 2nd of April 2017 01:42:22 PM



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Oceanic living space and housing, industrial floating cluster development , ( If we look around what is here today (in a first glimps) we can see the future of what will be here and developed massive tomorrow.

Billionairs will be made in the development of this technology...

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 2nd of April 2017 01:42:51 PM



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Study Suggests Population Control Is No Quick Fix For Environmental Problems

October 28, 2014 | by Justine Alford


The ever-burgeoning human population is an incredible strain on global resources and the environment. It’s been estimated that by the turn of the century, 11 billion people will inhabit our planet. More food, more water, more homes, more land, more medical resources are all going to be needed to accommodate this staggering number. So it’s logical to assume that the best way to tackle this problem is to find a way to reduce population growth. Not according to a new study, at least.

As described in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a duo of researchers from the University of Adelaide used computer modeling on WHO and census data to investigate how long it could take for a reduction in the human population to positively impact the environment. To do this, they plugged in various different scenarios for population change which allowed them to project the global population throughout this century.

The findings were unfortunately not exactly encouraging. Even if every country implements a strict one-child policy, the study suggested that the human population would still likely linger around today’s figure for the next 90 odd years. And a catastrophic mass mortality event, removing almost a quarter of the population, would ultimately hardly make a dent either.

But by no means are the authors suggesting that we should ditch efforts to reduce fertility because of these findings. If we pursue family planning and reproduction education, then we could have hundreds of millions of fewer mouths to feed by 2050. In addition, nations need to think of ways to reduce our increasing consumption of Earth’s finite natural resources, and also focus on ecosystem conservation. Ultimately, however, such measures are no quick fix and aren’t going to benefit people alive today.

“Global population has risen so fast over the past century that roughly 14% of all the human beings that have ever existed are still alive today- that’s a sobering statistic,” lead author Corey Bradshaw said in a news-release. “This is considered unsustainable for a range of reasons, not least being able to feed everyone as well as the impact on the climate and the environment.” Technological and social innovation, he says, are the most productive ways to lessen these impacts.

-- Edited by admin on Monday 3rd of November 2014 12:59:09 PM



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Ocean Colonies As the Next Frontier



... In theory, ocean colonies can float on platforms on the ocean surface, or be secured to the ocean floor, or float in various intermediate positions.  Interestingly, these ocean platforms, in legal terms, existing “outside” national sea boundaries, may develop in the future as “micro-nations” (one former World War II British anti-aircraft platform in the North Sea was declared by its new inhabitants as the Principality of Sealand – and the ruling “junta” issued stamps, designed an official flag, and named a national athlete).

One heavily promoted long-term project (hit by the recent global credit crunch) was an artificial archipelago in Dubai, United Arab Emirates – dubbed “The Palms” (actually there were several phases).  Major beachfront commercial and residential projects were planned on these reclaimed islands, yet these “new properties” were not real ocean settlements, but in the Dutch or Japanese tradition of creating more land along coastal areas (unfortunately, in the March 11 earthquake, Urayasu, a district famous for Tokyo Disneyland, suffered from flooding and road fissures due to the reclaimed land sinking).

Although the giant “The Palms” project is not the best example for future ocean colonization, the planning yields many clues and insights on how to design/promote future ocean settlements, since the hype for beach-front lot sales and luxury hotels attracted global attention.

At the core of the branding of “The Palms” is a real estate/leisure marketing angle, not unlike any resort market.  Yet, only tourists or pensioners will not create a long-term ocean colony viable. The best mix would be: long-term residents + workers/researchers + tourists + business deal-makers in a “colony/state” that is not based on one national “culture” but is beyond nation-state and “culture” (for example, what “official language” should the residents speak?  How is the colony governed?  Do residents have votes?  Is the colony administered under the laws of a near-by country?  How “near”?  Also, would a country or island-state object to an artificial ocean colony, even if it was hundreds of miles away from the neighbor’s own shoreline?)

Ultimately, the project (the first one is the model for many more, throughout the oceans) should be a fusion/blend of tourism/education/research/ entertainment/leisure/health programs.  The project should have luxury hotels, apartments, international schools/research universities, hospitals, top-rated restaurants, monorail (no cars), marinas, parks, museums, concert halls, shopping malls, sports facilities and health spas – like an ocean-based San Diego.  In fact, the planning for one section of “The Palms” projected 4,000 homes over several years and theme parks, including Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Bush Gardens – a sales brochure would point out: why not live next to a year-round aquarium/sea attraction theme park?  And taking the cue, an ocean colonization project brochure would state boldly: “Why not live IN an aquarium/sea attraction all year round?”

Aside from real estate/leisure development and sales angle, there must be academic research/education projects to give an ocean colony a solid scientific, environmental foundation.  (By coincidence or not, the Kennedy Space Center in Florida – for visitors to be educated about space exploration – is located a hour’s drive from Disney World and other Orlando-area theme parks – plus, there are many wildlife sanctuaries around the restricted Space Center area).  This leads back to an unusual experiment called Biosphere 2, built in Arizona and used as a laboratory from the late 1980s into the 2000s.

In hindsight, the sprawling Biosphere 2 (“1” was planet Earth, in the Gaia model) can be seen now as an early test for ocean colonization, since its objective was a “sustainable” closed environment, but on land, a micro-Planet Earth.  Anticipating the ocean colony concept, one section in the Biosphere 2 was an tiny “ocean” with a coral reef, plus there was a small rainforest, a wetland, a grassland, a fog desert, and an agricultural section – imagine a covered greenhouse, over several football fields.  Small fields toiled by researchers produced a variety of crops, including rice, wheat, and potatoes — food for the inhabitants (without artificial fertilizers).  (Studies showed that the teams living in the Biosphere were indeed healthy – although the periods were probably not long enough to be conclusive for long-term results.)

The Biosphere 2 project provided a laboratory to address some fundamental issues about energy, sustainability, agriculture, and human health – a future ocean colonization project can be filled with researchers and scientists working on many projects, like aquaculture, that could lead to enormous changes in sustainable fisheries, and create new materials, energy sources, and new inventions and industries.


Where to put a scaled-up Biosphere-like colony in the ocean?  The best location may be near the equator – a colony anchored in a wintry and windy place like the Baltic Sea or Tierra del Fuego would be a sadistic experiment.  Recall the “tourism/leisure” premise of “The Palms”, located by sunny Dubai – the beaches and condos beckon as part of its “story” (even the Vikings of the Middle Ages knew the power of branding — dubbing a place “Greenland” to entice settlers to come to an inhospitable land).

The other long-term R & D project is the colony platform itself, and the development of new materials and technologies.  One concept would be a magnesium alloy-frame tower rising to 1,000 meters floating in an equatorial ocean – housing thousands of inhabitants.  Ocean scientists would pinpoint the optimum site for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) conditions – requiring tropical (warm) surface water and access to deep, very cold water. The temperature differential drives rows of electric generators via a turbine – which would power residences, factories, PCs and mobile phones.  Furthermore, deep cold water has fewer impurities and more nutrients, thereby increasing aqua-farming yields.  As discussed before, there would be the real estate component: beach homes, hotels, malls, and lagoons teeming with fish and shellfish – with aquaculture researchers conducting experiments, as well as private investment in farmed lobsters or tuna  – 100 percent food sustainability.

The ocean colony would have no power derived from fossil fuels, with electricity from only natural energy sources, including OTEC, wind, waves, and solar.  CO2 emissions will be reduced dramatically or even recycled.  Recalling the natural “lay-out” of the Biosphere 2 that mimics the earth’s various eco-systems, the colony infrastructure will have grasslands (for dairy farms), rainforest (oxygen release), and a tower of seed plants and vegetables, irrigated by water from desalination plants (powered by solar/OTEC, of course).

Finally, tsunamis cannot pose a danger to an ocean colony tower, since tsunamis in mid-ocean have gentle rolling waves and not the crashing torrents that came ashore along the northeastern Japanese coast during the last mega-earthquake and tsunami.

How to jump-start such a Utopian ocean colony (and a “new” global ocean-based economy)?  The best global leader profile would be an individual in the billionaire Richard Branson-mode (like his visionary Virgin Galactic space exploration venture and his recent ocean submarine and mapping project) who can move the ocean colony project quickly with his own funds, name and promotion.  It is certainly not a short-term project *, requiring horizons of decades until the first colony “anchor” is placed in the ocean.  It is a complex, multi-disciplinary endeavor, involving experts in ocean science, construction, new materials, energy, health, environment, aquaculture, agriculture, plus real estate, law, marketing, tourism, governance, and entrepreneurship.

Perhaps a small project funded with seed venture capital launched with a few dozen researchers scaling to several hundred on a experimental ocean colony platform shall yield insights on how best to plan and build a much larger version: the lab project could be next to an ocean theme park, and condos sold with a contract clause allowing Early-Bird buyers to buy 20-percent discounted Maine lobsters and enjoy free electricity from non-fossil fuel sources.  Promotion is key here, even for a project that may save the planet, back to where all Life began: a spiritual and healing quest for all Humankind.

*  To give a bit of perspective on national “Big Projects”, after President Kennedy spoke in 1961 to put a “man on the moon by 1970”, the U.S. Congress passed US$25 billion funding for the Apollo program, and U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong bounced on the Moon surface on July 20, 1969 – five months before the 1970 goal – however, beyond several more bouncing astronauts, four decades later no permanent Moon colony exists nor are there any P & L on Moon house lot sales.)



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A rocket fast technological progress, completly unrestricted by "ruling, coding, monopolizing, and politics interference as we know it" driven by free opt in / opt out cities floating on the ocean, producing all the innovation, all the food, and all the goods, that sclerotic land nations can not produce in the required speed, is the only feasible way to go.

If we do not invest massive in ocean colonization and go with "land based business as usual" we unevitably face a situation where only one of 4 families can put food on the table. What this means for human evolution, emerging distribution conflicts, etc... you imagine it.

Free spirited floating cities built along the historical model of VENICE pushing along science, development, and productivity are be the best card we have to play.

Dominating science and sea trade from a floating city has a successful track record in history.


Historical example Venice:


Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 2nd of April 2017 01:43:24 PM



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...we are collectively failing to maximize the potential of science and technology for sustainability...

Harvard Kennedy School



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Innovation and Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development

The sustainable development problem

The existing global innovation system fails to meet the need for innovation and access to technologies required to meet sustainable development goals. (We adopt Harvey Brooks’ (1980) definition of technology as "knowledge of how to fulfill certain human purposes in a specifiable and reproducible way." We use the term "innovation" broadly to encompass not only the processes by which new technologies are invented, but also the processes by which a pool of inventions gets narrowed down for further development, produced, initially adopted, transitioned into sustained use, and then becomes either adapted so that they are better-suited to end-user needs or retired in favor of another technology.) In general, for systems of innovation to support sustainable development, they must do more than promote invention. Technologies and their benefits must be also accessible and well-adapted, particularly for use by the poorest or most vulnerable, and they must ultimately be integrated into local contexts that will vary economically, politically and culturally.

Institutions at the global, national and local levels all play a role in shaping the extent to which technological innovation actually delivers improvements in well-being. (We define institutions as sets of formal and informal rules, norms, decision-making procedures, beliefs and expectations that govern interactions between actors (North 1990; Ostrom 2005).) In the past, innovation has been fostered through public and private mechanisms (such as patent laws, public research grants, subsidies for end-users, and research networks), primarily operating at the national level in a handful of industrialized countries and a few international organizations (Amsden 2001; Nelson 1993). Such efforts have had widely varying levels of success in terms of meeting global sustainability needs, but have proven inadequate overall for the purpose of advancing sustainable development (Juma and Yee-Cheong 2005; InterAcademy Council 2004).

This pattern of uneven and insufficient innovation is due in part to several distinct dynamics. First, many technologies provide positive externalities that transcend the control of firms or individual nation states, and are therefore subject to free-rider problems that lead to under-production by both markets and national innovation systems. Second, in comparison to industrialized countries, developing countries tend to offer smaller market incentives to private inventors and have weaker national innovation systems to encourage domestic invention, leading to fewer or poorly-adapted technologies for use in such countries. Third, incentive systems for innovation can reward inventors, but at the cost of end-user access—for example, high prices for inventions can impede access for the populations most in need of new technologies, such as medicines, off-grid energy supply or water purification devices.

Addressing these problems requires effective institutional arrangements at local, national and global levels. In recent years, these challenges of harnessing technological innovation for sustainable development have begun to be addressed through a variety of "interventions" in the global innovation system. Examples include financing arrangements, networks of scientific researchers, priority-setting processes, measures to facilitate sustained use and widespread access to a technology, international aid and trade agreements, and feedback loops connecting end-users and inventors/adapters. In general, these interventions have altered the rules, norms, resources or organizational configurations that shape the behavior of major actors, including governments, private firms, researchers and end-users. While the past decade has seen a number of new system interventions piloted in a wide range of sectors, they are generally poorly described, little known beyond their respective sectors and therefore not contributing as much as they might to understanding or strengthening the global innovation system for sustainable development. Knowledge of what is most likely to work is either insufficient, or fragmented across different sectors, such that the global innovation system continues to underperform relative to its potential or the scope of sustainability needs.

Research questions

How can the potential of science and technology be maximized to help reach sustainable development goals, including meeting the needs of present and future generations for clean water, food, health, energy, and manufactured goods? How can the need to incentivize and reward innovation be balanced with the need to ensure widespread, equitable access to SD technologies? How can the global innovation system be strengthened to facilitate sharing of information and knowledge, accelerate the invention process, and ensure that research efforts serve the needs of all?

Solving a practical problem of sustainable development

The project will guide the development of policies that facilitate the invention of technologies needed to meet sustainability goals, and ensure equitable access to such technologies, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable. It will do so by carrying out a systematic research effort across a broad area of technologies relevant for sustainable development (paying due regard to variation in the characteristics of the technology, of the area of need, and of local contexts), constructing a coherent unified conceptual framework that helps to illuminate why we are collectively failing to maximize the potential of science and technology for sustainability, and extracting from this research concrete policy recommendations to strengthen the global system. The practical outcome of these efforts may be that more and better technologies are developed to meet sustainable development needs, that such technologies are better adapted for use in the contexts in which they are required, and that widespread equitable access is ensured to those technologies and their related benefits. Down the line, in more practical terms, a strengthened global innovation system may mean that more people are healthier; that the negative health and environmental effects of manufacturing are reduced for current and future generations, and that food security, access to potable water and clean energy is enhanced.

Research strategy

The project is carrying out its inquiry in three stages:

First, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the current state of the global innovation system requires a more "legible" system – that is, a detailed description of what the global innovation system in sector X (or for technology Y) looks like. The legibility of the global innovation system varies widely by area of technology, with some relatively well-studied and understood (e.g., pharmaceuticals, seeds), and others much less so (e.g., household water purification devices). In some areas, there is a relatively well-developed "global system" characterized by dense networks of actors, rapid information flows, sizeable resources, wide-ranging collaborations, and a set of widely-shared norms governing actor behavior. In others, the "global system" may barely resemble a system at all, with a fragmented set of actors and institutions with few or no networks, limited information flows, extremely scarce resources, and diffuse divergent or conflicting norms. In describing the global innovation system, key questions include: who are the most important actors, and what are the most relevant institutions? How much is invested globally in R&D for a given area of technology, who is investing, who is inventing, how successful is the invention process, and what impact on sustainable development is ultimately achieved? What are the major information and data needs and gaps?

The second stage is diagnosing why the global innovation system is not functioning as it should. What are the most important weaknesses or "choke points" in the system? At which of the various stages of the innovation process (invention, selection, production, initial use, sustained use, adaptation, retirement) do they occur? What are the root causes underlying these systemic weaknesses?

Third, what interventions in the system seem most promising to strengthen the systemic weaknesses or ease the identified ‘choke points’? Such interventions could include the articulation of shared norms and goals, national or international policies, changes in institutional arrangements (such as collaborative agreements), changes to or the creation of new national laws or international treaties, financing commitments and investment strategies, or any other intervention in the current functioning of the system.

The past year (Year 1, Academic Year 2011-12) has focused on developing the conceptual framework, initiating work on the first two stages described above, identifying researchers, and selecting an initial round of promising case studies. We convened a Working Group of researchers to develop a unified conceptual framework to facilitate the study of innovation systems for sustainable development technologies across multiple sectors. The Working Group included lead investigators across the five focus areas of need (water, food, health, energy, manufactured goods), supported by sub-groups of specialists in each sector, who met bi-weekly to discuss concepts, needs, and problems across sectoral and disciplinary lines. This work resulted in a refinement of the project scope and goals, a draft conceptual framework, the development of background papers on each sector that begin to describe and diagnose weaknesses in the system, and the selection of an initial set of cases. The first set of cases will examine: carbon capture and storage systems, indoor cookstoves, micro-drip irrigation, the system of rice intensification, household water purification technologies, drugs for cancer treatment, a global subsidy on malaria medicines, and industrial symbiosis.

In academic year 2011-12 we will focus on carrying out the first set of case studies, using them to test the conceptual framework to refine both our descriptions and diagnoses, and then selecting a broader second round of cases. We will begin synthesizing findings across the cases and across sectors, and developing draft policy recommendations (stage 3). This process will include consulting with other scholars and practitioners to test the framework and tentative conclusions. In 2012-13, a broader second set of cases will be carried out, with ongoing cross-sectoral synthesis and further testing of our draft conclusions. We will also develop a research agenda to guide next steps. The final year, 2013-14, will focus on dissemination within both the academic and policy communities, and discussion of the next research agenda.


Amsden AH. 2003. The Rise of "The Rest": Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brooks, H. 1980. Technology, evolution, and purpose. Daedalus, 109(1):65–81.

InterAcademy Council. 2004. Inventing a Better Future: A Strategy for Building Worldwide Capacities in Science and Technology. InterAcademy Council.

Juma C, Yee-Cheong L, UN Millennium Project Task Force. 2005. Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development. London: Earthscan.

Nelson RR. 1993. National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press.

North DC. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Ostrom E. 2005. Understanding Institutional Diversity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.



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Floating LNG plant Prelude - industrial installations at sea: More and more industrial installations are built at sea for several reasons. See the example of the prelude ocean based LNG plant.



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Rion - Antirion Bridge Pylon, Ekofisk storage tank, Monaco Breakwater, The Valiant Jetti, Troll A, Nkossa Barge, Adriatic LNG, Glomar CSDI, condeep structures, Rofomex Barge, MPU heavy lifter, North Sea Concrete Structures, Geat Belt Bridge, Strategic Port Development Concrete, Ocean colonization News, Prelude FLNG



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:

Big things have small beginnings ocean colonization transition, potential:

Sustainability on Planet Earth only the oceans can safe us:

Free spirited oceanic lifestyle global mobility:



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ocean colonization concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



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in this context also read: Dimitry Orlow the new age of sail....



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increasing productivity  | increasing consumption per capita  | increasing population  | massive solutions required  | ocean colonization



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