As you see from the turbulence on the bow of NAVEGANTE CHOLON the houseboat is not really efficient as a vessel.
So the concept could certainly be improved by adopting a Ramform Shape instead of the shape it actually has. The ramform would allow to navigate like a ship and take serious waves over the bow while still having the stability of a flat wide beam structure. The ramform also avoids the fragility and stresses of a catamaran.
Navegante Cholon is a floating housing space built at housing costs with housing materials glass doors, windows like you would use in a normal house - so its cost per squaremeter is compareable to normal housing.
It avoids the pitfalls of other housing projects in the San Bernardo Islands that have got fricction with the Authorities because they cut down mangroves to clear building lots, fill up coral areas to create building lots, or illegally build in the public 30m waterfront beach zone.
It is certainly not a yacht and seaworthy for ocean crossing - but this does not matter as the San Bernardo Zone is naturally protected from high waves and hurricane free all the year round.
Other than the Lozman home which was not mobile at all and doomed to destruction when standing in the way of real estate interests - the navegante Cholon could move a few kilometers away from such a dogfight hotspot and even make it to another country.
Its drawback is that it is made of steel and the maintainnce shedule of a steel structure in caribbean marine ambient is tremendously expensive.
For a wide (and seasikness free stable) structure like the Navegant Cholon going to drydock is particulary expensive as the beam makes it needing a BIG drydock that normally operates big ships at big budgets.
So they run on big ship budget manintenance shedules and cost frames.
Having built that on a maintenance free floating concrete base it would be just a perfect single family seastead in a ideal easy going tropic low cost setup.
I see your point about the Ramform shape offering better stability. It reminds me of how businesses should partner with CPA professionals for stronger financial stability and smoother operations—much like the Ramform offers better navigation and support compared to other designs.