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What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space And At The Bottom Of The Ocean

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 13th of November 2012 03:42:04 PM



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Why would Richard Branson mention "galleons full of gold" when asked why he is going to the bottom of the ocean? ....

The colombian archives mention 1200 (no joke 1200) galleons lost at sea during the time of the spanish treasure fleet! only the treasure of the San Jose lost in the the battle of Baru a few miles outside of Cartagena has a load list evaluated in todays value at 17 Billion USD - no joke ! - this is a lot of money even for a billionair.

Colombia, legal follower of the spanish treasure fleet has indicated to be willing negotiate a 50/50 deal with professional treasure hunters that can pull of the recovery of such a treasure.

Mel Fishers Atocha (the biggest official find) shrinks to the size of a "mere sidenote" in this picture.

With gold prices up like never before in history - looking for lost gold - becomes a increasingly atractive business venture for somebody who can afford to be on the cutting edge of ocean and deep sea exploration.

Mel Fishers Atocha was a shallow water wreck - it took decades to find the pieces spread over kilometers and dig the sand and mud that hurricanes spread over it away.

Deep Water wrecks are frequently sitting undisturbed at the bottom of the ocean waiting for the one who has the technology to reach them. The treasure of the Central America was sitting on the deep sea ocean bottom with gold coins exposed at plain sight.

Developing this technology can be a interesting thing - not only from a scientific or military point of view...

A modern Captain Nemo could be the "owner of the sunken treasures of the world" - just like Jules Verne predicted in his Novel 20000 leagues under the sea...


A submarine yacht, combined with a ROV as performed in the secret recovery missions of the USS Halibut - would be an ideal tool...



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What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space And At The Bottom Of The Ocean



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British entrepreneur Richard Branson is well-known for his deep-sea and space ambitions — two largely unexplored frontiers that may help tackle the world's looming energy crisis. 

The Virgin CEO spoke with Business Insider's Aly Weisman about the potential to find new minerals and sources of energy by exploring our oceans and other planets in the solar system.   

Watch below: 

Produced by Kamelia Angelova & Robert Libetti



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Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, oceanic business key player development network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter, sourcer, expedition, ocean elders, silvia earle, don walsh, ted turner, jean michel cousteau, rita colwell, jakson browne, graeme kelleher, neil young, sven lindblad, nainoa thompson,



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  1. What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space And At The Bottom ...
    7 May 2012 – The Energy Report Is Brought To You By Toyota. British entrepreneur Richard Branson is well-known for his deep-sea and space ambitions ...
  2. What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space - Business Insider
    7 May 2012
    What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space And At The Bottom Of The Ocean . Dina Spector | May 7, 2012 ...
  3. Sir Richard Branson on Going to the Bottom of the Ocean | Fox ...
    27 Mar 2012 - 5 min
    Virgin Group chairman Sir Richard Branson on planning his new deep-sea venture and space exploration ...

    Film director James Cameron leads submarine race to the bottom of ... › ... › World NewsNorth AmericaUSA
    26 Feb 2012 – Sir Richard Branson and his Challenger Deep Submersible in California ... Now, in what could be the culmination of a so-called "race to inner space", ... to dash the hopes of Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Oceanic team of being the first .... "We hope we're wrong about Branson, we hope they get to the point of ...

    What Richard Branson Hopes To Find In Space And At The Bottom ... finds the latest, most popular and interesting news about Stocks. Vote on things you like and things you don't like to determine what is ...

    James Cameron Mariana Trench dive: Film director visits ocean's ...
    25 Mar 2012 – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Branson and Jessica Alba tweet support ... I didn't see anything that looked alive to me, other than a few shrimplike ... I'm at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. ... Sir Richard told the Press Association today: 'I hope to do the Puerto Rico Trench dive in ...

    Richard Branson to also dive to the bottom of the ocean - DNA › ENTERTAINMENT
    31 Mar 2012 – He may have lost the race to the bottom of the ocean to director James Cameron but Sir Richard Branson is confident his own ... of the Titanic director, and thinks that his own quest, which will see him journey to the floor of the ... which have gone down there, so we would hope to be able to explore those.

    Virgin Oceanic's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea - IEEE Spectrum
    Virgin Oceanic hopes to launch a new era of manned deep-sea exploration. ... Check out the impressive capabilities of Bebionic's latest cybernetic hand .... and Sir Richard Branson perch atop the sub that will take Welsh down to the bottom of ... to the edge of space; an oceanic venture seemed like the perfect complement.

    James Cameron sees 'another planet' in deepest sea - Technology ... - United States
    26 Mar 2012 – He didn't see tracks of small primitive sea animals on the ocean floor, as he did when ... There had been a race to the bottom among rich and famous adventurers. Sir Richard Branson of Virgin venture fame has been building his own ... Branson said he hopes to take his one-man sub and join Cameron in a ...

    Cameron and Branson race to bring urgent attention to oceans ...
    Daniel Terdiman
    26 Mar 2012 – ... dive to the ocean's deepest spot, and those by Richard Branson are ... His Virgin Galactic is likely to soon begin taking hundreds of paying passengers into space. .... It took 5 hours to get to the bottom, but how long does it take him to get ... cause it isn't powered by hopes and dreams will get you nowhere.



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, oceanic business key player development network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter, sourcer, expedition, ocean elders, silvia earle, don walsh, ted turner, jean michel cousteau, rita colwell, jakson browne, graeme kelleher, neil young, sven lindblad, nainoa thompson,



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

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