Concomitantly, the institute's directors of business strategy and legal strategy went ... has been documented in an online book that covers living on the oceans. ... Many architects and firms have created designs for floating cities, including .... "The Seasteading Institute established to develop permanent ocean communities.".
Silicon Valley's Next Disruption: Floating, Autonomous City-States (Vice, June 2013). Although ... The Seasteading Institute Interview (, May 31, 2013).
Dec 3, 2011 - Seasteading: Libertarians dream of creating self-ruling floating cities. ... is producing some novel ideas for ocean-based businesses that could act as ... be possible to create genuinely self-governing mini-states on the oceans. ... waters to avoid some of their laws, floating habitats could show land-based ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 7/29/12
Feb 12, 2013 - earth business conference, concrete floating structures, ocean colonization. ...development, floating marina development, oceanic business key player ... yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter, ... so far are large ocean-going ships sometimes called "floating cities", and ...
Such settlements may be seasteads floating on the surface of the water, or exist as underwater habitats secured to the ocean floor, or in an intermediate position. ... Alexander Bolonkin: Floating Cities, Islands and States (PDF) ... World oceans; Subterranea .... Collingridge dilemma · Differential technological development...
The Seasteading Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), working to enable seasteading communities - floating cities - which will allow the next ... and to identify the pioneers for our vision of innovative oceanic communities. ... The seasteading movement is producing some novel ideas for ocean-based businesses that could act as ...
Jun 6, 2011 - He founded the Seasteading Institute – a project that is working to develop floating cities that will, “allow the next generation of pioneers to ...