When we talk about colonizing the oceans we should think about the most basic unit that will allow to survive on the open ocean As the development of the rescue boat shows a open boat that gives you flotation is not enough (you would die from overexposion to the sun or get trown over by storms. So the kind...
Nov 23, 2010 - Topic: open ocean capeable living space bubble | Opening humanity's ... a whole population of a city in inflatable floats on the open ocean in a hundred .... we could filter plankton or grow algea and convert them to biodiesel.
Jun 14, 2013 - ocean colonization, seasteading, living on the oceans, is not a exotic option, with a growing population and space on dry land more and more ...
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PART 2: PLATFORM PERFORMANCE IN OCEAN ENVIRONMENT .... communities will likely attract larger populations, growing incrementally into the ... areas are in the range of $240 to $280 per square foot; before the bubble, ....living spaces, much as the early settlers of North America were content with modest cabins as.
Topic: open ocean capeable living space bubble | Opening humanity's next frontier. ... A colony of sea life can be expected to grow very quickly, especially if ...
Topic: open ocean capeable living space bubble | Opening humanity's next frontier. ... Ya, well I've been thinking that can grow more of them, like the duckweed ...
An ocean worthy sailboat is defintely large enough to live in. ... sufficient is much more difficult for most sailboats due to a general lack of area to grow food in. ... While cruise ships support a significantly larger population of people than a typical ..