1 may. 2018 - Facilitator, trainer and business consultant | Colombia | Europe | business development | network | expat network | German | key player network ...
12 feb. 2019 - exportaciones de colombia a alemania 2017 ventajas de exportar a alemania barreras ... Latin America | Europe | Business | Network ... Business | Network | Connections | Agency | Business Facilitator | Catalyst | Mentoring ...
Golf and Business Come Together to Generate Opportuni | Colombia ...
Colombian entrepreneurs will explore overseas business opportunities while ... from the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe to "Colombia vs the World 2013", ... from the business facilitator Conexión Globlal and is supported by public and ...
Colombia promociona el Turismo de Golf con torneos internacionales realizados en el país ... Participants will travel from the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe to "Colombia vs the World 2013", an event that combines ... The event "Colombia vs the World 2013" is an initiative from the business facilitator Conexión Globlal ...
... es la entidad encargada de promover el Turismo, la Inversión Extranjera en Colombia, las Exportaciones no minero energéticas y la imagen del país.
Falta(n):facilitator •
Certificación metodología LSP - Eduplayment
Enero 29 al 1 de Febrero en CALI (Colombia) ... como Master Trainer en LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, y a Lucio Margulis, Trainer of Facilitators. ... Innovación en ADEN Business School en Latinoamérica y para otras organizaciones en Europa.
Built his reputation by running profitable business initiatives in Colombia involving local ... Additionally, GSI acts as a business facilitator, conducts investments ... and has six modules that take place in US, Spain, Brazil, India, Qatar and China.
to improve the business, investment and trade climate. " Making it easy for businesses to comply with the rules. " " More trade, more investment, more growth ...
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