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Dissertation writing tips



A dissertation is a lengthy essay usually given to PhD students as part of the requirements to being awarded a PhD degree. A dissertation essay can be quite difficult owing to its length and the period of time it takes to complete. A typical dissertation paper can be about 60 pages long. This can be quite a daunting task if you don't have a topic you are comfortable working on. In order to choose a good topic for your dissertation, it is important that lots of thoughts and research go into it.






Before deciding on a topic for your dissertation best writing service reddit, the first thing to do would be to research. Your research should be based on your particular areas of interest. Read widely and take notes while doing so. Take notes and try to take deep interest in areas that you feel are important to you. Consult the best books, journals, articles, online publications, newspapers and basically any source that would provide you with credible information. On a piece of paper or note book write down important points or facts pertaining to your discipline. Do not choose to write on topics that are too broad. It will be too large for you to finish in your dissertation. Broad topics have the disadvantage of not dwelling on a particular topic. It will be easy for you to get lost in a broad topic. The simple thing to do is to see if you can formulate research questions from the topics you read from reputable books.






As stated previously, taking notes while doing your research will help put you in a better frame of mind to choose a topic. Taking notes has the advantage of bringing to your remembrance all you have learned so far during the course of your study. For the purpose of choosing a dissertation topic, go back to the note you have previously kept. Go through your notes thoroughly. Ask yourself what interests you most about the points or topic you have put to paper. Write those new topics that interest you in a separate paper. Separate them from the topics that don't interest you. Go through your new notes once again. Are there particular things that fascinate you about these new set of topics? If any of these topics, speaks to you, then this may be your new dissertation topic.






By this time you must have chosen a suitable topic for your dissertation. The next thing to do would be to make your outline. A good outline gives you the skeletons or framework of what you need in your paper. It shows you a guideline to follow. It is a measure of what you are expected to cover in your dissertation paper. Your outline should include your research question, what you expect to cover in your paper, an overall idea of what the paper should contain, how you hope to accomplish your research, your dissertation methodology, your possible results and any discussion that may follow.






Your outline at this stage must have given you the framework you need to work from. Use this framework to your advantage by following it as a guideline. Be sure to do further research in order to create more flesh for your paper.

















Fashion Dissertation Topic Ideas



Fashion, as an academic subject, is one of the vastest, and hence fashion dissertations require widespread research and study by the student. Moreover, to come up with inspiring fashion dissertations, students need to have a keen eye for latest developments and changes in fashion trends and scenario. For a student to succeed in coming up with an impressive fashion dissertation, should have an open mind, and should also have interest in associated arenas such as art, culture, history and cinema, to name a few.



Coming up with a remarkable fashion dissertation topic can be a very daunting task for students. However, with right help in your stride, you are sure to make the necessary impression on your professor. Read



1.Cinemas Impact on Fashion Industry



This dissertation primarily focuses on the influence of the film industry on fashion. Students can either choose to discuss the influence of a particular genre of movies, actor or actress, or cinema as a whole. The success of this topic will mainly depend on how the student is able to relate new ideas and developments in fashion with the trends in movies.





2.Origin and History of Academic Attires

















Academic dress or attire is the uniform worn by students at an academic essay writing services reddit commencement, function or graduation ceremony. How the academic attire came into existence and how it has evolved with time is a very intriguing topic that will surely arouse the interest of quite a few academicians. Since it is a very narrow topic, it forms a great idea for an academic dissertation.


Once you have provided the college with an insight of your personality, interest and strengths in the introduction o the






3.Aesthetic Fashion: An Insight





Many fashion experts are of the opinion that industrialization and mass production has led to an extremely abhorrent fashion and way of living, and hence seek and uphold an alternative fashion and lifestyle that is inspired by the past. This dissertation topic has immense potential as it facilitates students with an opportunity to discuss how young artists take inspiration from the art of the past.







4.African American Fashion



African American fashion entwines with the history of Africans who arrived in the Virginia colony in the year 1619. Enforced southern codes, emancipation of the American slaves by Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the Federal Legislation, all this impacted the dresses and fashion of the African American, and this fashion dissertation discusses just that.



5.An Insight Into African Hairstyles



In the late fifties (1950's), a small group of African dancers broke the community norm, and dared to wear unconventional hairstyles in the public. These hairstyles were'close-cropped' and were heavily criticized by a certain section of black media in those days. However, the African dancers upheld their choice of hairstyle as they considered the chosen hairstyles as the expression of their spirit of racial pride.





6.Fashion Design and Social Responsibility





Social responsibility practices are becoming more and more important in our society, and fashion industry is no different in this aspect. This is especially true as fashion industry is closely knit with global issues such as labor and trade, sustainability and consumerism. Modern designers know how to balance their ethical values with profits, and hence strike a chord with consumers and society, and environment-friendly practices such as fiber production, manufacturing, designing and purchasing, facilitate them in their endeavors.





7.History of Couture



This dissertation presents the reader with a glimpse of the fashion world through the eye of a fashion designer, and it stresses on the conscientious perspective. This dissertation focuses on this history of fashion designing field as well as the pioneers who founded the concept of fashion design.



8.Fashion Techniques of Femininity



Fashion systems and techniques manifest gender specific methods and practices that aid in female oriented culture formation. Since the gender distinction gained ascendency in the eighteenth century, western fashion world is more or less preoccupied with techniques of femininity.



9.Fashion and Anti-fashion





Since time immemorial, fashion commentators have maintained a healthy distance between fashion and non-fashion, popularly known as anti-fashion. The distinction is more prominently described in the works of Ted Polhemus, Lynn Procter and Georg Simmel. This dissertation also discusses why most of the societies outside of the western world prefer fixed dresses.





10.Modesty and Concealment in Fashion





In the fashion world, one can find innumerable cases for as well as against modesty. The argument of modesty is primarily based on the idea that certain body parts are indecent and hence should be covered appropriately with clothing. However, some fashion experts find no essential connection between modesty and concealment and propagate that every society is based on their own concept of modesty and behavior.





11.Fashion as an Indication of Social Worth





It is not uncommon for people to judge the social worth or standing of an individual on the basis of what the person is wearing . All cultures reddit essay writing service reviews take care to mark stature differences clearly. Anthropological as well as historical accounts of fashion and clothing will exhibit that almost all societies of the world use fashion and clothing to distinguish between the sexes, secular and religious, changes in status, married and unmarried and so on. This essay discusses this and much more.





As you will understand from the above-mentioned fashion dissertation ideas, a good dissertation topic is one that is neither very broad, nor very narrow. The topic should facilitate you to discuss a reasonable number of ideas and arguments, without straying away from the main point of your dissertation. Last but not the least; it is imperative that you choose a dissertation topic that you are knowledgeable about or are confident of doing a decent research on the topic. Fashion is an ever-changing field, and hence you should be cautious that topics such as history might be too exhaustive in nature, and hence would take a lot of research and hard work to impress your professor.





How to complete a successful ppt

















Power point presentation is a product of Microsoft incorporated. It is a software that when used properly brings high value with educational graphics and animations. Power point presentation can be used to produce images or graphics slides. The slides are similar to the slide projector. Slides may contain texts, graphics sounds, movies, and numerous other objects which can be freely arranged. These operations are made possible through the use of a template called the slide master. The good thing about power point presentation is that it can either be printed or viewed directly on the computer. Large companies and cooperation make use of power point presentations to brief employees on critical issues. Power point presentations have come a long way. It is recognized as an educational tool that when used wisely will impart positively on the learning process.







The following tips will help you create a successful power point





Use images sparingly





Some experts have argued that too much use of images distracts your audience and makes them to lose interest. Another school of thought is of the opinion that putting images are very necessary. They argued that images help to enhance user experience and helps to keep them engaged. These schools of thoughts have merits in their reasoning. The rule of thumb here is to use your images only when they are necessary. Do not use generic images that your audience has probably seen several times already. Use images that are not default or that is in built in your power point presentation.





Ask questions





Use your power point presentations to ask pertinent questions. Create user interest by asking important question that will engage your audience. Use your questions to show your audience their lack of knowledge on your topic. Be sure to provide answers to these questions so that you don't leave your audience confused. The purpose of asking question is to tickle their intellect.



Follow up on your Power Point Presentation



It is essential when creating a power point presentation that you fall in sync with your presentation. Do not get ahead of yourself and present your audience with slides until you are ready for them. It will not do for your audience to be ahead of you. If you find that you provide your audience with the next ideas when you are still explaining the previous bullets points, you are certainly getting ahead of yourself.



Watch out for the design



Power point presentation has the advantage of having several in built design. Use your design sparingly. Do not be tempted into using all the design found in your power point presentation all at once. Use simple designs. Decorative fonts should only be used for slide headers only provided they are easy to read. Dark text should be put on a light background. Simple tips such as the ones mentioned should give you an idea on how to create a good power point.



It is important to remember the purpose of a power point presentation. It is a time to present your ideas in an attractive manner without losing any of the information you are trying to pass across. The watch word is to always keep it simple.







English matters



English language has become a global means of communication, it is not only the most widely written (counting scientific articles, periodical and the impressing fact that it is a common language of the Internet), it's also spoken throughout different international conversations, no matter whether they are official or business meetings, or just a casual skype talk. All things considered, it's interesting to get familiar with some numbers. Here they are...






Tips on creating a ppt on social marketing









Social marketing can benefit greatly from power point presentation. Social marketing is a visual oriented program that allows marketers to key in on social environment like the popular social networks. Social marketing is a relatively new concept that when correctly implemented can greatly affect the way that marketing is done. Marketing on the other hand involves the packaging of products or brands in such a way that it is appealing to the buying public.



A power point presentation is graphic software that can be used to create images, documents and virtually anything that can be used to inform and educate. To create a great looking power point



Write a script



It is important that you plan before writing your power point presentation. The point of using slides in your power point presentation is to illustrate and expand on what you plan to say to your audience. It is important that you make use of outlines prior to creating your power point presentation. This will save you lots of headaches later on. Make sure that the script you have written has a good story line. A weak story line will tell badly on your power point presentation. It makes your power point presentation disorganized. Make sure your script has a introduction, main part and conclusion. Make epic slides that will get your audience curious to see what is contained in the next slide. Do not allow your audience to know the whole story before the end of your presentation. Keep them engaged and itching to know what's next.



Follow your power point presentation



It is essential when creating a power point presentation on Social marketing that you fall in sync with your presentation. Do not get ahead of yourself and present your audience with slides when you are not ready for them. It will not do for your audience to be ahead of you. Your audience might get impatient or bored waiting for you to exhaust your previous bullet points. The new points before them means they are already ahead of you.



Don't use paragraphs





Most social marketers make the mistake of adding large chunks of text to their power point presentations. Remember that your power point presentations are specifically meant for illustrations with bullet points. If you are to use text, be sure to use the text underneath the graphics generated from your power point. If there is need to add large volumes of texts, try as much as possible to break them down into smaller chunks. Bullets points are best used for this purpose.







Design is important





Power point presentation has the advantage of providing several in built design. Use your design sparingly. Do not be tempted into using all the design found in your power point presentation all at once. Use simple designs. Decorative fonts should only be used for slide headers. They should also be easy to read. Dark text must be put on a light background. Follow these simple tips and you are well on your way to creating a successful power point presentation on social marketing.





Writing the Dissertation Proposal





















A dissertation proposal is typically associated with earning a Ph.D., but the skills involved with successful proposals reddit essay writing service extend beyond the realm of higher academia. With your dissertation proposal, you are trying to sell the idea that your research is worth pursuing and also that you are capable of handling the project. In a sense, you are attempting to market your self, and the product is essentially an idea that needs to be explored.





Needless to say, the proposal is one of the most critical (and feared) aspects of the entire dissertation process, so it requires considerable time and effort. Usually, quite a bit of preliminary research and review go into a successful dissertation proposal, and it is often necessary to make multiple revisions and drafts. Think of it as the provisional work that goes into your eventual goal, and remember that it is not so much an individual project as it is a collaboration. It's also important to keep in mind that the proposal is not the dissertation in a miniature form. It is a map for the road ahead. You are essentially an explorer, detailing a vision of a new place you have





What's Your Purpose?



What is your purpose, your argument, and how will you prove it? A proposal should hint at the ways you will go about proving your argument. It need not be overly detailed. The details you choose to include should work to demonstrate your point, not prove it.



While the format of a dissertation proposal is not the same as a book or even a long essay, it may be organized into chapters and begin with an introduction that includes the stated purpose of the dissertation, discusses some of the background behind why you believe this is an important topic, reviews some of the existing assumptions about it, and defines some of the related terms. You may also use the introduction to present some of the questions concerning your topic.



At some later point in the dissertation proposal you will most likely need to present an outline of the chapters. Early on, though, you should at least develop an overview of your purpose and its significance to the field.



Your Methodology



Mapping out your methodology is a necessary chapter in your proposal, and it will help you to get a grasp on all the many pieces before you. Depending on your target audience and the nature of the questions you address, you should decide if your research will be qualitative or quantitative. (Qualitative research generally means that your results will be generated based upon interpretation, that your variables are not quantified; quantitative, on the other hand means that there are quantified variables and precise results.) Both types of research are valid, depending on the nature of your dissertation.



Qualitative research often incorporates a more social setting (such as a case study) and involves more observation and interaction. It's a more subjective approach, and the inferences and interpretations of the research will mean more variability in terms of the results.







Quantitative research is usually more calculated. Results are more readily measurable and also typically more specific. Common quantitative methodologies would include experiments and surveys.



Outlining your methodology means laying out how you will go about making your point and the types of tools you will use. It needs to fit the type of topic you've chosen. If you plan to conduct a survey, you need to discuss its design, the target population, and the scaling method. How will you collect your data? Will it be via an email-based survey? A telephone interview? Each has its advantages and limitations. Analyzing the data is also a critical aspect. Be prepared also to give a justification - your philosophy, essentially - for why it is appropriate.



Your Proposal's Place



Another part of "selling" your dissertation proposal is to tell its place in the scholarly world. Do not underestimate the importance of this part of your proposal.



Who is going to be talking about it, and what field will find it relevant? What data will you consult and revise and/or build upon? This part of the proposal is critical, yet easy to lose sight of. Your dissertation will not be the product of an individual; it is collaboration of the combined efforts of you, along with your peers and advisors.






You'll need to review the literature relevant to your particular topic as part of your proposal. Besides demonstrating that you're familiar with the field or inquiry, a literature review will help you become aware of the prevailing ideas about your topic, who some of the key writers are, some of the existing theories and questions, and other methodologies.



First, find out what's out there, and gather as many resources as are available. You'll have to find them, read them, and review them. Submitting a bibliography of the works you plan to consult is a good place to begin. But the review itself if not the same as an annotated bibliography; rather, it often takes on the look of an essay: an introduction that details the basis for your selection of literature, a body that discusses the historical and current research as well as the principal current questions and discoveries, and a conclusion that summarizes the general consensus of the current literature as well as your dissertation's place within it.



Be prepared to discuss, defend, and re-draft your dissertation proposal. The ideas you put forth in your dissertation proposal will not be etched into stone. Remember that the goal with your proposal is to detail one possible dissertation; however, that may differ substantially from the dissertation you later present - and that's okay!



Again, the ultimate goal of all of this is to make a convincing case that your dissertation is worthwhile. Give yourself plenty of time, and keep in contact with the dissertation committee. If you can present to your reader an idea that he or she initially knows little about (and possibly cares little about) and make him or her genuinely want for you to take on the project, your dissertation proposal has been a success.









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