My 2001 Statesman (Southern States brand) Briggs & Stratton, 42-inch deck, has a lot of hours and burns oil as well as oiling the spark plug. Still runs and does it's job, but thinking of replace. Any brand recommendations, need 42-46 inch deck? Briggs & Stratton versus Kohler? Thanks, Ben
I think you might want to rake your lawn a little bit first before you start the lawn tractor. You see, twigs are a bit of a hazard for tractors, which can get clogged with debris and not function well later on. I gave such a mobile tractor to my mother, and she broke it right away. It didn't want to move or cut the grass, so I gave for repair. When I bought it, I compared its price and quality on I'm sure the model is very good. But no matter how good quality a lawn tractor is, it gets clogged with large twigs and bags if you mow a littered lawn.