Some believe replication controls Microsoft offers natively provides the same-level of control and coverage as dedicated Office 365 backup and recovery. However, these native controls are not built for extended, long term data retention. Here is how dedicated, third-party Office 365 Backup Solutions comprehensively protect data, while helping meet recovery SLAs:
Data Loss
Data loss comes in many shapes and sizes, and no one is immune. With dedicated protection, customers get immutable, virtual air-gapped coverage with robust recovery controls – so they can always recover from loss or attack, including:
Ransomware is a type of malware attack that penetrates systems and rapidly encrypts data. For businesses, ransomware can impact valuable consumer, operational, financial, and sensitive information, rendering it useless – severely disrupting (and potentially halting) business operations. And as ransomware threats, and the price tags associated with them surge, Office 365 backup provides a safety value to protect and rapidly (and fully) restore critical Office 365 data from attack.
User error happens. Whether mistakenly removing a user, errantly altering a site or file, or deleting an important email – dedicated Office 365 backup goes beyond Microsoft retention limits. However, with native controls, once data is hard deleted from the production environment, it can no longer be recovered. With unlimited storage and unlimited retention offered via dedicated Office 365 backup and recovery solutions, businesses can always restore active or deleted Office 365 data.
Internal Attack
Not all threats are external. While hackers and ransomware attempts skyrocket, internal threats and malicious users still loom large. It not properly protected, internal bad actors can intentionally delete, alter, or modify Office 365 data. Dedicated Office 365 backup solutions mitigate such internal threats by delivering pristine point-in-time backups of your data. This allows businesses to restore production data prior to any internal attack.