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Post Info TOPIC: Which old Bethesda game should I play first?

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Which old Bethesda game should I play first?

I have heard so many good things about both Morrowind and Fallout: New Vegas. And I now have paid-for copies of both. Morrowind came with the 10-year anniversary deal I got for Skyrim on Steam; my son gave me a copy of FNV via GOG.

I’m leaning towards Morrowind first, because I suspect that playing FNV first will make Morrowind a whole lot less fun by comparison.




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Morrowind with modes is the best! You should try it


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Both Morrowind and Fallout: New Vegas are such classics in their own right! If you're leaning towards Morrowind, I'd say go for it. It offers a rich, immersive experience with a unique world to dive into. Starting with Morrowind might be a good idea, as its mechanics and graphics are a bit dated compared to FNV, so your intuition is spot on. Jumping straight into FNV might make it challenging to adjust to the older visuals and mechanics of Morrowind later. If you ever feel like taking a break from the vast worlds of Bethesda, did you know you can play solitare for money? It's an interesting twist to the classic game where you can compete and potentially earn some cash. Might be a fun diversion!



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-- Edited by kaisenmudzan on Wednesday 30th of August 2023 08:08:36 AM

-- Edited by kaisenmudzan on Wednesday 30th of August 2023 08:08:55 AM

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