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Post Info TOPIC: TikTok star checks himself into a mental-health facility after watching sound of freedom

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TikTok star checks himself into a mental-health facility after watching sound of freedom


Chris Rooney, better known as Uncle Chris, is a beloved TikTok creator who recently fell into a crisis.

Rooney, a 26-year-old from Fredericksburg, Virginia, found a huge audience when he started making videos with his young niece and his nephew in January 2020. Most of the videos involved the toddlers making a big mess while attempting to pour drinks into glasses.

The post said Rooney had been "found safe" on August 3.

Before vanishing, he posted a video on his personal TikTok account that some found troubling.

In the video, Rooney replied to a comment about his separation from his wife, Emily Rooney: "Alcohol is poison. You lost your beautiful wife because of it so that tells me you need to stop drinking 100%. Have you tried naltrexone?"



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It's disheartening to hear about Chris Rooney's challenges. It's important to recognize that mental health struggles can affect anyone, including those who may seem to have a thriving online presence. It's great that he's taken steps to seek help and support by checking into a mental health facility.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues, remember that help is available. You can reach out to a mental health hotline for guidance and support. Here's a mental health hotline number. Let's hope that Chris gets the care and support he needs during this time. It's important to show compassion and understanding to those facing challenges.

-- Edited by SaymonSax on Tuesday 29th of August 2023 08:30:56 AM

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