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Post Info TOPIC: ELR website vs app?

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ELR website vs app?

I see there’s a nice app with the same name on android store. I’ve been using it a bit and I really like it. My phone is a galaxy A01 with 16GB of storage. This thing is total garbage and the elr website is very difficult to use with this phone as the buttons are small, I misclick stuff, it takes forever to load, will freeze for 30 seconds, unfreeze and then register all my screen taps afterwards causing it to freak out clicking stuff everywhere. It does this quite often so I’ve switched to the app for now but I’ve read there’s no affiliation between the website and the app. Like none at all? Not even a syching option for transferring recipes from one to the other and vice versa?

I need a good android tablet for mixing my ejuices. It’ll be simply for that but I don’t want some old turd. I want a decent tablet with a decent sized screen that isn’t trash. A bigger more accurate screen would make it all come together as I could then be able to easily tap the buttons and the website won’t be slow and glitchy. I’m trying to learn to mix as I just got 45 flavors with a lot more stuff on the way. I just started out so getting frustrated with my phone is not wise right now as I’ll be prone to breaking it out of anger, I know because this has happened before, so I’m looking for solutions. The app also keeps track of live inventory stock records and catalog. Any and all advice is welcome. I have no feelings so you can’t hurt them. Lol



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Posts: 35

Sorry for bumping into an old conversation. When it comes to finding a good Android tablet for your mixing needs, I'd recommend looking for something with a decent-sized screen and good performance. You want a smooth experience, not a glitchy one. It'll make your mixing sessions so much more enjoyable! And I think,  using the application seems like the way to go for your e-juice mixing adventures! Speaking of reliable applications, I recently stumbled upon a fantastic resource, It's a game-changer when it comes to configuring an app that suits your specific goals and needs. It might just be the solution you've been looking for to enhance your mixing experience.

-- Edited by christianphillips on Thursday 28th of September 2023 09:13:42 AM

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