Hope all is going well for everyone! I wanted to obtain some opinions from this fantastic community since I'm thinking about hiring an ebook writers.
This eBook concept has been circling about in my thoughts for some time. It's a project I'm incredibly enthusiastic about, but it's been almost hard to find the time to sit down and type it all down with my hectic schedule. I'm not really sure about my writing abilities either. I am considering hiring a professional eBook writer for this reason.
Anyone here ever employed an eBook writer before? How did it go for you? Has it streamlined the procedure? How did you select the best writer for your project? Making sure the writer faithfully conveys my voice and vision worries me a little.
And any advice on what to look for in an eBook writer or questions I ought to be posing to possible applicants? The number of possibilities available to me is a little daunting.
Both positive and negative experiences, as well as any advise you may have, would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance for your assistance!