Background: I was in 6th and that one kid who always had 6-pack abs got a weight bench for Xmas. I thought to myself "a weight bench, what the heck is that?". So the following year I asked for a weight bench for Xmas. Funny thing was, this weight bench sat in my room for a few years collecting dust because I had no idea what to do with it.
9th grade year my uncle decided he was going to get into bodybuilding with his friend and he built a home gym in his basement. This was the coolest gym I had ever seen. He had everything. Full dumbbell weight rack up to 100lb DBs. A power rack, a few movable benches. That one bench that always seems to be in the decline position. He also had this 3-station system where you could do flys, Lat pulldowns, rows and a few other exercises. He also had a leg press that reversed into a hack squat. Oh and he had tons of olympic weights and olympic bars. Rubber matts on the floors and mirrors, two tredmills (one for him and his wife) and a few stationary bikes. He also had some medicine balls, some ab workout gear. This gym had the works. It was heaven-on-earth. So I asked him to show me how to workout. I think he first showed me a full body work out where I hit 1 muscle group each with a different exercise and we stored all the stats on index cards. Of course, he always had that Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding (the one with the yellow-ish cover) open on the table in the weight room. I was hooked ever since.
I first stepped into a gym when a friend convinced me to join them for a workout. It was intimidating at first, with all the equipment and people in peak shape. But having someone familiar with me made it less daunting. Eventually, I got into a routine and started enjoying the progress I was making. If you're thinking about starting your own fitness journey or even a gym someday, I've heard about fitness business software that helps manage operations smoothly. Could be useful if you're passionate about helping others reach their fitness goals like I was!
-- Edited by dewmiwasana on Thursday 25th of July 2024 10:37:21 AM