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Post Info TOPIC: largest private submarine in the world, captain nemo yachting


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largest private submarine in the world, captain nemo yachting

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largest private submarine in the world, captain nemo yachting

largest private submarine in the world .

Submarine yacht, Cartagena, Colombia, key player network, ocean colonization, (



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largest luxury submarine in the world captain nemo yachting
largest personal submarine in the world captain nemo yachting
largest phoenix submarine in the world captain nemo yachting
largest small submarine in the world captain nemo yachting
largest public submarine in the world captain nemo yachting



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  1. Submarines: The ultimate toy for the super rich? - Page 2 - New York ...
    27 Mar 2012 – What they'd like to find now, Deppe said, is the world's first private owner of a full-blown submarine -- a modern day Captain Nemo. ... jet plane, the "Seattle," comparable in comfort to a large yacht, and the amazing "Phoenix." ...
  2. verne
    The Nautilus (Devised in 1870) with which Captain Nemo sailing on the seas of the world is similar to the first nuclear submarine built by the United States in 1955. ... The largest collection of prophecies about the past, present and future of ...
  3. Private Submarines Gain Popularity with Millionaires - Spiegel Online
    15 Mar 2012 – A new class of private submarines has become the latest plaything ... "There are 2500 large yachts in the world today," he adds, and most ... This latter-day Captain Nemo has completed around 200 dives with his submarines.
  4. Submarine Voyage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The attraction reopened in June 2007 with a Finding Nemo theme, and now ... As the submarine leaves the dock, the Captain gives the "all ahead two-thirds" order. ... The hulls (eight in all) for "one of the world's largest peacetime submarine fleets" cost .... a b "Sail Away - The Last Voyages of the Disneyland Submarines".
  5. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Wikipedia, the free ...
    It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus as seen from the perspective of ... The expedition sets sail from Brooklyn aboard a naval ship called the ... of the creature, only to discover to their surprise that it is a large metal construct. ... Their travels take them to numerous points in the world's oceans, some of ...
  6. List of fictional ships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    903 - Iranian Kilo class submarine in Steel Sharks, 1996; USS Abraham Lincoln ... yacht/hydrofoil in Thunderball 1965; USS Dragonfish — U.S. Submarine in Battle of ... submarine — 20000 Leagues Under the Sea 1954, Captain Nemo and the ... The World Is Not Enough 1999; "Proteus" - nuclear mini submarine from the ...
  7. Submarines replace yachts as trendy toy for the mega-rich | The ...
    Eric Pfeiffer
    19 Mar 2012 – But it will buy you the yacht that pulls up alongside it. ... Octopus, the world's largest yacht, it does come equipped with its own private submarine. .... Capt. Nemo would be proud .. NotMe 3 mths ago. 20000 Leagues under the ...
  8. Widen Your World - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea
    "Sail with Captain Nemo aboard the 'Nautilus' to lost undersea worlds." ... As Captain Nemo's famous metal-plated Nautilus submarines took their final voyages .... than the large main salon window that would have appeared in a completely .... and sat facing their own private 1' porthole, each equipped with its own air vent.
  9. Lear Jets of the Deep: Private Submarines Gain Popularity with ...
    Philip Bethge
    15 Mar 2012 – A new class of private submarines has become the latest plaything ... “There are 2500 large yachts in the world today,” he adds, and most ... This latter-day Captain Nemo has completed around 200 dives with his submarines.
  10. wilfried ellmer concrete submarine cruising - concretesubmarine ...
    3 posts - 27 May
    27 Jan 2007 – concrete submarine yacht, built a concrete submarine yacht a couple of . ... ... largest private submarine in the world - .



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Wilfried Ellmer, industry, logistics integration, management, projects, subsidiary openings, colombia industry development key player network, cartagena colombia, expat manager, advise, consulting, headhunting, project setup, executive search, english, spanish, german, available for projects now.



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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/ Contact / Order / Source / Info /



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Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, key player network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter,



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#CaribbeanBusiness #LatinAmericaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessDevelopment #businessmatchmaking #BusinessDevelopmentLatinAmerica #OceanFrontierDevelopment #GermanColombiaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessNetwork #ColombiaCartagena #SuedamerikaBusiness #latinindustryBiz #InternetExpertProductPlacement #ColombiaBusinessMentor #InternationalBusinessColombia #CartagenaColombiaBusinessPartnership #ConcreteSubmarineYacht #GaleriaC #ConcreteSubmarine #latinamericagrowth #ColombiaExport #ColombiaEmergingMarket #ColombiaResidentManager #ColombiaInternationalManager #ColombiaEuropeanManager #ColombiaDigitalMarketing #VelerosCartagenaColombia #CaptainNemoInvestment #CaptainNemoBusiness #CaptainNemoYacht #ColombiaAgent #CartagenaWaterSports #MarketEntrance #ROIfocusedDigitalMarketing #BusinessMentor #YatesAlquilerCartagena #networkmarketing #SubmarineHabitat #ColombiaResidentEuropeanManager #ConcreteSubmarine #DeutscheLateinamerikaInvestments #ColombiaBusinessMentor #economylatinamerica #InvestmentOpportunity #startingabusinessincolombia #CartagenaMarineKeyPlayerNetwork #NautilusmakerNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessConsultingNetwork #RedNegocios #LatinAmericaBusinessLeadership #CartagenaTours #MarineEngineeringCaribbean #DipYourToeColombiaInvestment #CartagenaColombiaYachtCharter #CartagenaColombiaYachtRentals #EmergingMarketsLatinAmericaBusinessMentor #ColombiaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetwork #KaribikYachtNetzwerk #MarinesNetzwerk #BusinessNetworkLatinAmerica #CaptainNemoYachtInterferenceFreedom #NetworkingForBusinessDevelopmentInLatinAmerica #TourismManagementCartagenaColombia #InvestmentOpportunityColombia #ColombiaIndustrialAssetManagement #LatinAmericaInfrastructureInvestment #BusinessMatchMakingEventsColombia #InSearchOfBusinessEuropeChangesToneInLatinAmerica #ColombiaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessMatchmaking #LatinAmericaBusinessLeadershipNetwork #ColombiaInvestment #ColombiaVipInvestorService #ColombiaTrade #SanBlasIslandsYachtCharter #GoOceanic #LivingUnderOcean #NegociosCartagenaColombia #RedEmpresarialColombiaEuropa #NegociosEuropaColombia #OceanicConcreteShells #GermanBusinessLatinAmerica #ConcreteSubmarineHabitat #VIPyachtServicesCaribbean #InvestmentsColombiaAdvisors #LatinAmericaBusinessMatchmakingPortal #ColombiaAssetManager #CaptainNemoSubmarine #ConsultorBusinessIntelligenceColombia #InterferenceFreedomInBusiness #ColombiaMarineBusinessAlliance #FloatingHoneycombShells #PortalindustrialCartagenaColombia #MarcelaMancillaNetworkCartagena #WilfriedEllmerBusinessNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetworkWilfriedEllmer #WilfriedEllmerPromotorInmobiliario #GermanShipRepairCaribbean #BodasCartagenaVelero #OceanColonizationTechnology #BusinessDevelopmentConsultantsColombia #CaribbeanBusinessColombia #NegociosColombiaEuropa #Wellmer #tolimaredCom #imuleadCom #concretesubmarineCom #yook3Com #cartagenavendeCom #bogotavendeCom #OceanSphereHabitat #OceanSphereHabitatConcreteWilfriedEllmer #LatinAmericaBusinessResources #LatinAmericaBusinessSuccess #YachtServicesLatinAmerica #ShipRepairMarketCaribbean #CartagenaMarineBusinessCluster #WilfriedEllmerManager #WilfriedEllmerOceanColonization #PromotoraCartagenaNegociosInternacionales #ColombiaInvestmentConsultant #ShipRepairColombia #shiprepairkeyplayernetwork #ColombiaTourismBusinessDevelopment #ColombiaVIPtourism #turismoVIPcolombia #AdventureTourismColombia #SpecialtyTourismColombia #EventTourismColombia #HighEndTourismCartagena #GetVisibilityColombiaCartagena #SEOcartagenaColombia #BusinessEventsCartagena #MarketDevelopmentCartagena #InternationalProjectManagementCartagena #EuropeanExpatManagerColombia #ColombiaCountryManager #AsociacionNacionaldePortales #IngenieriaNavalCartagena #CartagenaDeIndiasTravel #CartagenaDeIndias #VIPturismoCartagena #CaribbeanShipRepairCompanies #WilfriedEllmerNegociosEuropaColombia #ComfortAtSeaWorldwideMobile #NemoBusinessMobilisInMobili #tolimaredCom/submarine #20000leaguesunderthesea #ConsultingGroupColombiaAmericaLatina #EcoTurismoColombia #SolucionesNauticasDelCaribeCom #latinamerica#leadership#management#wilfriedellmer #KeyPlayersInLatinAmerica #AsesorTuristicoCartagenaColombia #NegociosEuropaColombiaOportunidades #cartagenacolombiaturismo #OceanColonizationNemoStyle #getafootholdinlatinamerica #getafootholdinoceancolonizationtechnology #oceaniclivingspacebubble #BusinessDevelopmentColombia #ColombiaBusinessServices #CartagenaColombiaTourismInvestment #RealEstateInvestmentNetworkCartagenaColombia #CartagenaColombiaTourismInvestment #IndustrialInvestmentColombia #InfrastructureInvestmentColombiaCartagena #PortalClusterIndustryColombia #IndustryPortalsColombia #HoneycombDomeSolutions #GlobalBusinessKeyPlayersYook3 #ColombiaInvestmentManagement #BusinessMentoringColombia #CartagenaShipRepair #BusinessOpportunitiesColombia



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submarine yacht 25m wilfried ellmer yook3 submarine yacht wilfried ellmer yook3 submarine prototype concrete submarine yacht submarine yacht hull Cartagena 200ton 18m submarine yacht pictures submarine yacht key player network



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:

Big things have small beginnings ocean colonization transition, potential:

Sustainability on Planet Earth only the oceans can safe us:

Free spirited oceanic lifestyle global mobility:



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The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture |

The four fundamental quests of ocean colonization : | The quest for interference freedom | The quest for mobility | The quest for oceanic resources | The quest for space on the planet |

Meta Topics:


Axes of ocean colonization: | Main Axes | Plate Seastead | Floating Real Estate | Catamaran concept | Captain Nemo Concept | Floating Breakwater Concept | Submerged Living Space Bubble Concept |

Concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /

keywords: affordable | alliance | billionaire | business | business alliance | business center | business development | business plan | captain nemo | captain nemo style | caribbean | cartagena colombia | colombia | colonization | concrete | concrete floating structures | concrete shell structures | concrete structures | concrete submarine | concrete submarine yacht | | construction | development | energy | equity investment | estructuras flotantes | feasibility | floating concrete structures | floating platforms | floating structures | funding | global mobility | habitat | habitats | honeycomb | implementation | independence | investment | key player | key player network | key players | key technology | latin america leadership | liveaboard | living space | luxury | luxury submarine | management | manager | marine business | mining | mobile | mobile headquarters | mobilis in mobili | negocios | nemo style | network | next big thing | next frontier | ocean | ocean alliance | ocean business | ocean business development | ocean colonization | ocean habitat | ocean living | space ocean technology | oceanic | offshore | opportunities | options | platforms | privacy | project development | projects richard branson | seafood | seasteading | shell | structures | submarine submarine living space | submarine yacht | submarine yacht development | submarine yachting technology | underwater hotel | virgin oceanic | wilfried ellmer | worldwide | worldwide business | yacht | yacht submarine |

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