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Post Info TOPIC: oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization


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oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization

Get a foothold in Ocean Colonization Technology


Covering over 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean represents our planet's largest habitat, containing 99 percent of the living space on the planet.

With the world population exploding at a rate of 1 Billion per decade - where else is room to expand business, build housing space and grow the food for this population.

With the pressure of human activity already causing a mass extincion, ambient legislation and redtaping of business ventures in full bloom, the enormous volume and de facto freedom of the ocean is the only free frontier to go.

Ocean colonization and ocean based business is the next big thing to come - floating cities and industry developments are not optional - they surge as a need to avoid cutting down the last wildlife reserve on land for rapid growing cities - industy giants like Sabmiller are already planning floating production sites to follow resouces and demand around the globe.

Floating concrete honeycomb and shell structures will pave the way to human ocean colonization.

We are leaders in this core technology.  The big five business fields of oceanic business


San Jose found - marine salvage just went big business -



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Four big needs are driving the movement to the oceans:


  • The quest for interference freedom
  • The quest for mobility
  • The quest for oceanic resources
  • The quest for space on the planet


Read more about the business case for the oceans: here


Read more about why going oceanic is the next big thing to come.

Read more why “offshoring” is the megatrend of the century.

Read more about the 1-10 interference freedom scale.

Read more about being part of this trend.

In this context also read historic lessions from Venice:


Also read ocean colonization, enlightenment, industrial revolution:

 Frontiers need freedom, rapid technology development needs freedom... read more:



.... As the world becomes increasingly ocean-oriented for energy and other resources it is predicted that construction activities during the 21st century will be dominated by concrete sea structures ... | Concrete in the Marine Environment | P.K. Mehta

... read more:



Oceanic Mining Gold Rush is underway:


Feeding 5 billion humans on oceanic resources - the industry that needs to be created in the next 30 years...

Seafood in drift cages to feed 5 billion humans that we expect in the next 30 years to need to cover their nutrition need from the oceans...


Kelp based biofuel a closed carbon cycle oil industry:


Why global sustainability requires rocket fast technological progress, the choice is progress or perish - read more here:


 Globalization brings up new lifstyle choices yachting has gone beyond pleasure boating steering a global business empire from mobile oceanic headquarters, mobilis in mobili, and subdue to nobody.

- read more here:


How new upcomming technology will change authority structures on the planet:



  - -  is pleased to announce that corporate sponsorship and participation (business partnering) opportunities are now available.
We are embarking upon the greatest journey of all: manned exploration, settlement, industrialisation, and domestication, of the oceans.
As our partner you will play a significant role in creating World history, and together, we will make the next giant leap for mankind.

Any company can register, we have opportunities for small companies through to multinationals.

All partners and sponsors will have one thing in common: they believe it is time for an exciting, positively-charged adventure that will be an inspiration for the entire human race.

If you would like to join us in making this mission a reality, please contact us at

dome, shell, seasteading, ocean colonization,







-- Edited by admin on Monday 1st of May 2017 02:25:03 PM



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Suitable technology to pave the way at sea is needed...

We are on the cutting edge of this technology - concrete shell and honeycomb building.

We took it to the most extreme - building submarine yachts out of concrete.

Concrete Submarine Yacht 200 tons 18m x 4,6m built in Cartagena Colombia, by Wilfried Ellmer,

. .


Floating concrete building method groups / heavy/ medium / light /  read more:


| personal | luxury | concept | phoenix 1000 | russian | concrete | real | triton | underwater | billion dollar | migaloo | small | octopus | super | mini | civilian | mega | futuristic | cool | nemo | deep sea | diesel | big | commercial | new | nomad | eclipse | garage | billionaire | house |



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Prototype 20 tons built in the early nightees

. . . . .

We have already prooved that we can build concrete submarines - so it is clear that we also can build concrete floating structures of a much simpler kind ...



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Corporate sponsoring - foothold in ocean colonization

Concrete surface floating structures in big industrial scale have a long service record. Smaller structures can be performed. Concrete modular raft structures, Concrete floating islands, concrete floating building lots, concrete floating real estate development.

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We managed it to reduce modular concrete floating structures to a cell size of only 1m and still the inside of the structure stays bone dry without requireing any cover on the concrete. This enormous size down from the industrial concrete structures shown above allows us to explore the viability of small house sized concrete islands for all kind of "living on the water" solutions.

Other than steel and plastic floats those structures have a maintenance free service life of 200 years. This means they have "floating real estate" quality and come to a price per squaremeter comparable to land based real estate.



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concrete floating shells of house size - pathway to ocean colonization

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Floating oceanic cities

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Wilfried Ellmer, industry, logistics integration, management, projects, subsidiary openings, colombia industry development key player network, cartagena colombia, expat manager, advise, consulting, headhunting, project setup, executive search, english, spanish, german, sourcing, procurement, available for projects now.



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Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, key player network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel,



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization

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RE: Corporate sponsoring - foothold in ocean colonization

Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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World population is growing at a billion per decade  - there is no oceanfront space left. This makes floating structures a necessity for coastal city development plans.

As humanity grows and needs to occupy the "rest of the planet" which means the 70% of its waterspace - "oceanic business models" like the one of Cartago, Venice, and the Spanish and British overseas Empires, will stop to be "exceptional in history" and become humanity mainstream.

Water based cultures like the Polynesian, the Moken, the Khmer, will lead the way into the future. Ocean colonization will come before space colonisation takes off. 



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ocean colonization is the "next big thing" a last step before mankind goes for the last frontier - space colonization

-- Edited by admin on Thursday 28th of March 2013 08:05:58 PM



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We are living on a ocean planet, 70% of the habitable surface is water. 99% of the habitable space volume is water.



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coastal cities (Cartagena Colombia) are running out of waterfront space...



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it is predicted that the century will see more "construction activity" on the water than on dry land.



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be prepared for this development - get a foothold in ocean colonization technology....



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Be a pioneer - make money on the new frontier - do not think this way



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. . . .

What is up already - shows the way to the future that is comming soon...




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oceanic frontier develpment investment - foothold in ocean colonization

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ocean colonization definition, establishing floating settlements on the ocean. Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, oc...

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captain nemo submarine yacht

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The captain nemo float out - seasteading  ( 1 2 ) (Preview)

  Let me  propose the "captain nemo float out" it is basicly building a "better yacht" that can stay in open ocean for long periods of time. Yachts can not stay in open ocean for long periods of time as the wave action makes staying there quite uncomfortable. Yachts are also built from materials that imp...

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captain nemo lifestyle mobilis in mobile 

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virgin oceanic, captain nemo, business



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RE: Corporate sponsoring - foothold in ocean colonization

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wilfried Ellmer, manager, expat, latin america, colombia, business development, advisor, consultant, portal, german, english, spanish, colombia business development key player network, colombia foreign investment, colombia subsidiary opening, real estate, marine services, tourism, chamber of commerce, business partnering, industrial asset management, CIVETS investment, colombia investment filter service, joint venture, oil, gas, mining, infrastructure, services, outsourcing, barges, ship repair, shipyard services, marine services, development, colombia resident manager, colombia european expat manager, country manager, portal industrial cartagena, internet, seo, search engine marketing, industry, logistics integration, management, projects, headhunting, project setup, executive search, your man in colombia, colombia business development expert, fulltime, parttime, freelance, consulting, available for projects now, logistics, support, setup, WILFRIED ELLMER ASESORIAS Y SERVICIOS S A S,



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oceanic frontier develpment investment - foothold in ocean colonization

No New Postshoneycomb architecture (Preview) 

honeycomb architecture

Sticky Topicsmall honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena (Preview) 

Testing of small sized floating honeycomb modular structures in Cartagena Colombia - modular cube floating structures, catamaran floating elements, plate float elements... It is clear that industrial floating structures can be built from concrete and have already aquired a amazing performa...

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floating honeycomb concrete structures, building industrial structures at sea -- Edited by admin on Friday 29th of March 2013 06:44:56 PM

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wilfried ellmer concrete structures honeycomb

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concrete honeycomb structures, ocean colonization

No New PostsConcrete shell and honeycomb structures for port development (Preview) 

FROM BERTH TO BREAKWATER SOME VERY CONCRETE REASONS01 Jun 2004 A tug tows one of the immense concrete blocks for the new jetties at Cartagena into placeConcrete's value within the port environment is almost unlimited. And fresh innovations incorporating its use are appearing all the time, as Davi...

No New Postswilfried ellmer floating honeycomb concrete structures (Preview) 

wilfried ellmer floating honeycomb concrete structures

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We can predict that ocean colonization will be based on concrete shell and honeycomb structures for very simple and logical reasons.

No New Postsstrategic advisor floating honeycomb structures, ocean colonization (Preview) 

strategic advisor floating honeycomb structures, ocean colonization

-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 3rd of December 2014 05:37:40 PM



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RE: Corporate sponsoring - foothold in ocean colonization

Man's Future Beneath the Sea (1968)

This image from the 1968 book Explorers of the Deep: Man's Future Beneath the Sea depicts the inevitable colonization of the ocean floor.

Man has only two vast, natural frontiers left to him: outer space and the oceans, both of which are still virtually unexplored and unexpoited. In the years to come, technological breakthroughs will make possible a major escalation on the part of the world's oceanographers to develop the resources of the oceans for the benefit of mankind. The new realm of hydrospace will provide thousands of new job opportunities and bring about the birth of dozens of new industries as our oceanic engineers perfect the techniques to dive deeper and stay longer under the surface of the seas.



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  1. ocean colonization technology
    Jun 14, 2013 - ocean colonization, seasteading, floating concrete structures, floating honeycomb structures, floating shell structures, ocean colonization ...
    You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/28/13
  2. Ocean colonization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Ocean colonization is the theory and practice of permanent human ... would apply similarly to the ocean and to space; and many technologies may have uses in ...
  3. Ocean colonization technology - FORUM
    ocean colonization, submarine yacht, concrete submarine yacht, seasteading, floating concrete honeycomb structures, floating concrete shell structures.
  4. Ocean Colonies As the Next Frontier - Forbes
    Apr 24, 2011 - One area still unexplored is the ocean – more specifically, how can the ... the Mars surface), in contrast ocean colonization on a large scale on Earth has ... He was head of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Asia Office.
  5. space and ocean colonization - OoCities
    space and ocean colonization. main page and site map. Rotating Space Tethers. Space Elevators. Artificial Intelligence Is the Best Space Technology. Space ...
  6. Ocean Colonization
    Meta Definition: OCEAN COLONIZATION: The complicated social, political, ... project, probably requiring self-replicating technology and megascale engineering.
  7. Ocean Colonization, Extropy article. - Telesterion
    Colonization of the Oceans-- The perennial dream of the red-blooded, raised-on-frontier-stories, post-moonwalk, orbit-denied, SF-reading, technology-loving, ...
  8. Floating city kicks off colonization of the oceans | DVICE
    Feb 10, 2010 - ... so eventually we will need to colonize the oceans in order to survive. ... alike, combining a host of green technologies to remain self-sufficient.
  9. Ocean colonization - Space Colonization Wiki
    Ocean colonization is a process of populating the Earth's oceans(or terraformed ... An intellegence could be dangerous for their advanced technology and ...
  10. Ocean Colonization - › ... › ScienceGeneral Science & Technology
    Jan 28, 2009 - 38 posts - ‎17 authors
    Sal****er is rough on the technology needed to support human life below .... as to when the ocean (meaning the ocean floor) will be colonized.



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oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization

pictures upcoming


-- Edited by admin on Thursday 4th of May 2017 12:50:27 PM



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RE: Corporate sponsoring - foothold in ocean colonization



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The world population will grow, the needs of this population will grow. Nobody is good with bycicle and a mao suit anymore nor can be restricted to such a lifstyle by any “politics” or “regulation” thinkable – new industries, cellphones, internet, pop up faster than you can follow. All this points to explosive increase in production sites, these sites need space and energy. All “not closed loop” activities that take something from nature, like fishing, hunting, agriculture, poluting industrial processes will disappear more quickly than anyone imagines due to more and more stringent ambient impact regulations. The ocean sphere production site takes over, what enters into that sphere is energy and raw materials what comes out is product – all other stuff will be recicled inside. Meat will be produced in cell culture, veggies in hydrophonics. Light will come from diode lamps not from the sun. Pesticides are obsolete as no pest can enter the sphere in first place. The sphere will be arranged in “dynamic geography” to interchange and trade with other spheres or nearby land cities. Far from having a negative impact on the ocean the sphere will create a “artificial reef ambient” enriching the ocean. The oceanic concrete sphere is the most efficient enclosure possible much more efficient than the highrise buildings we see today to host all kind of human activities. The drifting net aquaculture will be a mere intermediary step still using the water resources of the ocean and its capacity to dilute the fish poop for a massive protein production. High tech close loop production technology including the 99% of space resource (ocean) we have not used yet, will give us a century more of frontier expansion on the planet before we are ready to expand to space. We can not stop expanding and exploring and stabilize within “established land and agriculture frames” – this would be against human nature and the right to “aspire more” and dream of a better future. Companies that build up the key technologies for this development will get rich., ocean colonization and ocean domestication is the next big thing to come up – if you think it trough it is just inevitable.



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Drifting ocean cages seafood production discussion at

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 26th of January 2014 02:44:38 PM



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In this context also read historic lessions from Venice:

Offshoring the megatrend of the century:

Why going oceanic is the next big thing to come:



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RE: oceanic frontier develpment investment - foothold in ocean colonization

Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:



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The Quest for Interference Freedom.

The Quest for Mobility.

The Quest for Oceanic Resources.

The Quest for space on the Planet.



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#CaribbeanBusiness #LatinAmericaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessDevelopment #businessmatchmaking #BusinessDevelopmentLatinAmerica #OceanFrontierDevelopment #GermanColombiaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessNetwork #ColombiaCartagena #SuedamerikaBusiness #latinindustryBiz #InternetExpertProductPlacement #ColombiaBusinessMentor #InternationalBusinessColombia #CartagenaColombiaBusinessPartnership #ConcreteSubmarineYacht #GaleriaC #ConcreteSubmarine #latinamericagrowth #ColombiaExport #ColombiaEmergingMarket #ColombiaResidentManager #ColombiaInternationalManager #ColombiaEuropeanManager #ColombiaDigitalMarketing #VelerosCartagenaColombia #CaptainNemoInvestment #CaptainNemoBusiness #CaptainNemoYacht #ColombiaAgent #CartagenaWaterSports #MarketEntrance #ROIfocusedDigitalMarketing #BusinessMentor #YatesAlquilerCartagena #networkmarketing #SubmarineHabitat #ColombiaResidentEuropeanManager #ConcreteSubmarine #DeutscheLateinamerikaInvestments #ColombiaBusinessMentor #economylatinamerica #InvestmentOpportunity #startingabusinessincolombia #CartagenaMarineKeyPlayerNetwork #NautilusmakerNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessConsultingNetwork #RedNegocios #LatinAmericaBusinessLeadership #CartagenaTours #MarineEngineeringCaribbean #DipYourToeColombiaInvestment #CartagenaColombiaYachtCharter #CartagenaColombiaYachtRentals #EmergingMarketsLatinAmericaBusinessMentor #ColombiaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetwork #KaribikYachtNetzwerk #MarinesNetzwerk #BusinessNetworkLatinAmerica #CaptainNemoYachtInterferenceFreedom #NetworkingForBusinessDevelopmentInLatinAmerica #TourismManagementCartagenaColombia #InvestmentOpportunityColombia #ColombiaIndustrialAssetManagement #LatinAmericaInfrastructureInvestment #BusinessMatchMakingEventsColombia #InSearchOfBusinessEuropeChangesToneInLatinAmerica #ColombiaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessMatchmaking #LatinAmericaBusinessLeadershipNetwork #ColombiaInvestment #ColombiaVipInvestorService #ColombiaTrade #SanBlasIslandsYachtCharter #GoOceanic #LivingUnderOcean #NegociosCartagenaColombia #RedEmpresarialColombiaEuropa #NegociosEuropaColombia #OceanicConcreteShells #GermanBusinessLatinAmerica #ConcreteSubmarineHabitat #VIPyachtServicesCaribbean #InvestmentsColombiaAdvisors #LatinAmericaBusinessMatchmakingPortal #ColombiaAssetManager #CaptainNemoSubmarine #ConsultorBusinessIntelligenceColombia #InterferenceFreedomInBusiness #ColombiaMarineBusinessAlliance #FloatingHoneycombShells #PortalindustrialCartagenaColombia #MarcelaMancillaNetworkCartagena #WilfriedEllmerBusinessNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessDevelopmentKeyPlayerNetworkWilfriedEllmer #WilfriedEllmerPromotorInmobiliario #GermanShipRepairCaribbean #BodasCartagenaVelero #OceanColonizationTechnology #BusinessDevelopmentConsultantsColombia #CaribbeanBusinessColombia #NegociosColombiaEuropa #Wellmer #tolimaredCom #imuleadCom #concretesubmarineCom #yook3Com #cartagenavendeCom #bogotavendeCom #OceanSphereHabitat #OceanSphereHabitatConcreteWilfriedEllmer #LatinAmericaBusinessResources #LatinAmericaBusinessSuccess #YachtServicesLatinAmerica #ShipRepairMarketCaribbean #CartagenaMarineBusinessCluster #WilfriedEllmerManager #WilfriedEllmerOceanColonization #PromotoraCartagenaNegociosInternacionales #ColombiaInvestmentConsultant #ShipRepairColombia #shiprepairkeyplayernetwork #ColombiaTourismBusinessDevelopment #ColombiaVIPtourism #turismoVIPcolombia #AdventureTourismColombia #SpecialtyTourismColombia #EventTourismColombia #HighEndTourismCartagena #GetVisibilityColombiaCartagena #SEOcartagenaColombia #BusinessEventsCartagena #MarketDevelopmentCartagena #InternationalProjectManagementCartagena #EuropeanExpatManagerColombia #ColombiaCountryManager #AsociacionNacionaldePortales #IngenieriaNavalCartagena #CartagenaDeIndiasTravel #CartagenaDeIndias #VIPturismoCartagena #CaribbeanShipRepairCompanies #WilfriedEllmerNegociosEuropaColombia #ComfortAtSeaWorldwideMobile #NemoBusinessMobilisInMobili #tolimaredCom/submarine #20000leaguesunderthesea #ConsultingGroupColombiaAmericaLatina #EcoTurismoColombia #SolucionesNauticasDelCaribeCom



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oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization

submarine yacht 25m wilfried ellmer yook3  submarine prototype concrete submarine yacht submarine yacht hull Cartagena 200ton 18m submarine yacht pictures submarine yacht key player network



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RE: oceanic frontier develpment investment - foothold in ocean colonization




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oceanic frontier development investment - foothold in ocean colonization



Get an internet boardroom (discourse), where a number of invited guests can have a natural conversation, with pictures and refererence links, far beyond the capability of e-mail. Hold all the info together, use multiple media. Limit, and grant access, get a resident advisor/expert to your project. Get set and running, for only USD 100 // market opening / business development / tip your toe in / joint venture / testing / exploring / resources / mentoring / advisory / networking / get started / personalized fact finding / low risk entrance / get foothold options / contact: - . ------

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 30th of August 2015 05:04:17 PM



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| Buy a membership token for USD 5 and become a member of our club. |

-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 11th of November 2015 04:16:42 AM



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The four fundamental quests of ocean colonization : | The quest for interference freedom | The quest for mobility | The quest for oceanic resources | The quest for space on the planet |

The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture |

Meta Topics:


Axes of ocean colonization: | Main Axes | Plate Seastead | Floating Real Estate | Catamaran concept | Captain Nemo Concept | Floating Breakwater Concept | Submerged Living Space Bubble Concept |



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Wilfried Ellmer

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I appreciate your helpful information. As a local business that provides a variety of concrete services, Hemet Concrete is dedicated to our customer's satisfaction. Your insights will help us continually improve the quality of our craftsmanship.  

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