5 days ago - The typical owner would handle a submersible living space bubble habitat (i avoid ..... honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell ...concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ... concrete...
Jun 16, 2013 - Why scouring sea for sunken treasures is big business ... For those in the rapidly expanding sector of marine archeology however, ..... Awarded a contract for building a man-powered submersible of his own design, Fulton ..... floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 9/18/13
Jul 17, 2011 - You sail out directly into the storm - trim your living space bubble at snorkel .... It can just sit beside the salvage site and act as a "habitat" for the salvage team. ..... floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, .... concepts of long term submersible operation; and to conduct other ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 6/29/13
Concomitantly, the institute's directors of business strategy and legal strategy went on ... to a business that would further the research on long-term ocean habitation. ... a custom-built seastead is a floating dumbbell in which the living area is high ... a general consensus that reinforced concrete is the most proven, sustainable ...
Why not build submersible seasteads that dive beneath storms? While it is possible to ....Living, Economy, Business... How many people will live on seaste