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Post Info TOPIC: floating concrete platforms building methods, pricepoints


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floating concrete platforms building methods, pricepoints

floating concrete platforms, building methods, heavy methods, medium methods, light method, concrete shells, concrete honeycomb structures, concrete honeycomb shells, fiber concrete, composite materials, seastead building methods, price points, smart use of fiber, filler, bonder, advisory packages, floating concrete honeycomb shell structures, (, pilot projects, findings, minimum building site,  building strategies, building frames, key factors to look after, cartagena projectsget a boardroom get started | polystyrene foam blocks  |

Pricepoints Floating Real Estate:

Pricepoints for building floating Real Estate are in a general range of 50-800 USD/square meter (depending on building method) tested out in our pilot projects. (conversion: 10 square foot is 1 square meter). The TSI is going for a pricepoint of USD 5000 per square meter. The yacht segment is in business for a pricepoint up to 23.000 USD per square meter, see details below...

In general floating real estate compares extremly favorable to land based shore real estate.  The reason for lower prices for oceanic real estate are:

  • Building lots on the water costs nothing.
  • Interference of building codes is much less. (civil engineering ruling sets)
  • Interference of all kind of interferers is much less. (neighbors, city developement plans, politics)
  • Construction is about moving heavy things around which is much easier on the water.
  • You can sell a floating house worldwide so produce much beyond the local market.
  • The economy of scale is much easier on the water.
  • Cement is not comming from a land based plant that locks the local market into a monopoly - it comes in ship from China or elswhere globally.
  • The access road to the development needs not to be built, unimited access for container load sized items, and heavy cranes, is there already.

All these factors add up to a reduction in general cost of building a real estate squaremeter which turns over in much lower cost of buy and rent real estate . This means floating real estate has a competetive edge offering the same housing space, the same closeness to the city center, at a potential far lower price than a highrise building on the shorefront in the same area. 


Cartagena Marine Business Cluster:


 General Design parameters - options:

Ramform base:

Oceanic bubble living space concept:

Ocean Sphere:

Plate seastead:


concepts pictures:


/ Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



Ramform floating development - artist: Matias Volco



TSI target real estate price : USD 500 per square foot

Oceanic Business Alliance target price : USD 80 per square foot

Off the shelf technology floating marinas for protected locations ( the segment we need to successfully compete with)  (ref)  Platform cost | USD 278 per SF  | weight  | 185 pound per SF  | We can do (by far) better...   | Check on advanced cement composite methods, light shells, freeforming below....


Context - Google it up:





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the heavy industrial size method:


No signifficant difference to land based concrete engineering the wall thickness is between 20cm and 100cm the building method is cast building of massive concrete walls.

The heavy methods are basicly the usual methods of land based concrete engineering (cast, rebar, aggregates) applied to oceanic structures of industrial size. In all above structures unspecialized concrete contractors where able to perform the construction - just as if it where another bridge, tunnel, highway, from the concrete engineering base book.


Read more about floating real estate, building lots on the water :


Read more about why floating real estate is big business to come:

Why global sustainability requires rocket fast technological progress that includes settlement and domestication of the oceans:

Heavy tubular

Heavy tubular concrete structures have been performed in oil/gas riggs and submarine tunnels for waterdepths of 350 m



To understand a typical tubular floating concrete structure project executed according the "engineering book" read about the making of Troll A

We took that base technology and pushed it a bit further building testing and diving fully functional concrete submarines, built in blimp shape.

 .  .  . submarine-yacht.jpg

see more about our concrete submarines: (

The technology limits of tubular concrete structures is described here:


1000m depth rating possible for spheres, 500m for tubular concrete structures

...the (study) results demonstrated the feasibility of near neutrally buoyant concrete structures, having an overall safety factor of three, at depths to 3000 feet for spheres and 1500 feet for cylinders. Greater depths are possible if concretes having a compressive strenght greater than 10.000 psi are used or if negativly buoyant structures are designed.

H.H Haynes and R.D. Rail october 1986 first published sept.1976


The captain nemo float out / captain nemo yacht, liveaboard  / captain nemo submarine yacht / captain nemo yacht / Captain nemo nautilus, submarine / The captain nemo float out - seasteading / captain nemo lifestyle mobilis in mobile / virgin oceanic, captain nemo, business /





-- Edited by admin on Sunday 28th of May 2017 11:54:10 AM

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 25th of March 2018 12:11:46 PM

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 11th of August 2020 01:40:44 PM



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Medium Method Group


What we did in our test building sites in Cartagena is taking the established heavy methods and testing out how small you can go  to the most possible extreme. Improving some key issues as the colocation of the rebar and its rust protection.


. . .

Reducing the wall thickness to just 5cm we still get floating elements that are seeping free and stay dry inside with no coating at all.

Modular raft up of elements with only 5cm wall thickness.

The medium weight method group is still heavier than glassfiber boat shells, but can already be applied with platforms of quite small size of a few meters.

Ferrocement building methods are in this "medium group". What makes ferrocement a problematic method is that it is completly dependent on the skills of the builder. The handling of the tedious mesh wire as fiber component is so complicated that many shells end up with rusting rebar falling apart due to spalling in a few months. On the other hand well built shells have survived long term time testing and can have service lifes of many decades.

While in the heavy group traditional rebar is completly protected inside thick walls, the medium method group can not always achieve the 2 cm concrete cover over rebar, what makes having deep thoughts about changing the traditional rebar with something else that is less prone to rusting - a key field of the method group. Synthetic fibers, glass fibers, basalt rebar and basalt fibers, come to mind.

In this medium method group we also tested a couple of techniques like "printing techniques" the last picture above for example shows Don Arturo standing in a box of 2,5x1,2m that is built up like a matrix printing piece just without the printer and giving the worker a bucket full of material and a teaspoon to put the dots on the building.  Works just surprisingly fine ! - as long as you get the material right.

The medium group of methods is great for printing with a matrix printer, for contour forming, and similar automated construction tecnologies - as the ocean allows to distribute the built houses globally - a house building assembly line taking advantage of economy of scale becomes feasible.

contour forming -






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Light building Methods:

Typical wall thickness a few millimeters, 3-5mm, the "make and feel" of structures performed with this method group is very similar to glassfiber built structures. These structures work with different fiber components, and different filler components, as well as different application methods as cast methods are ruled out for few millimeter skins.

In the picture, a extreme light concrete honeycomb platform that is comparable to glassfiber build in structural toughness and weight, but much more economic to perform as no expensive resin is involved.




A typical light shell development in freeforming technology - vision by Matias Volco  | oceanic•business•alliance ™  | Ramform Cluster  |


A small piece of light honeycomb shell floating - any shape is possible - no form is required the building process is "freeforming".


Cartagena Colombia


The platform is as light as glassfiber building a structure like the why yacht is in the range of feasibility. We have tested this building method in extensive pilot projects and the outcome money input versus real estate squaremeter output is 166 USD / squaremeter.


Light building methods can adopt any shape. In general it is applied in honeycomb shell projects.


Futurist architecture is "within technology reach" for the light honeycomb shells - far beyond what we are normally seeing in concrete engineering. Land based concrete engineering is locked into a set of "building codes" that obligate the engineers to repeate a basic model of cast colums, walls and slabs, over and over again everywhere. Oceanic concrete building can allow to step out of this "monopolized lock" and do really surprising and creative things in concrete construction. ( - read more here:  )


In its nature concrete is a composite material, with binder (cement) fiber component (rebar) and fillers (aggregates) - the concrete canoe competiton was invented to showcase that you can build literally any type of structure if you use the combination of those 3 base components creativly. Things as small and light as this canoe can be built in concrete, far beyond the slabs and blocks we are normally used to see.

One of the tests of the concrete canoe competition is that the canoe will be filled with water and must still float.

light honeycomb

The light methods are based on techniques as used by concrete sculpture artists - bonder fiber and filler components are quite different to the general concrete engineering branch. Shell thickness of a few millimeter are usual, the application methods of the bonder and the fiber are more tending to glassfiber building method, lamination methods etc...



The honeycomb structure of the WHY yacht.

It is designed to be 58x38m and hold 3000 squarmeter real estate space.

Price tag is 70.million USD

Which means 23.000 USD / real estate squaremeter


So the WHY yacht is a factor 138 Times more expensive than a build along the lines of our method. Nevertheless Wally / Hermes is obviously expecting to have customers at that real estate price.


Poor Man`s Floating Island



Poor man's floating island. This pilot project was born from a study for the Colombian government to solve the issue of periodical flooding of houses in the Magdalena River banks. The key question was : What is the lowest cost possible to create a floating platform for a floating house. We took the base idea of Richi Sowas bottle island and bonded it together with something tougher than "mangrove roots". What we came up with is to take a pile of floating stuff like bottles,styrofoam break, and bond those "loose elements" together with a fiber cement matrix. The project was geared to use the less neccesary amount of cement bonder (which is the expensive element) and bond a maximum of cheap light low cost filler (bottles, styrofoam, and similar) together, to get a still solid island that would not soak up water. The fiber component consisted in agriculture bags, cocos fiber, bamboo fiber, and similar.The baseline was that things come bonded together in a way that even if you broke the island in the middle non of "loose trash stuff" would fall out.

Outcome: The island is sufficient solid to build a light 2 story house on it, it will not soak water, it resists all attacks of barnacles and toredo worms in the bay of Cartagena and the target of building something in a order of $50 per squaremeter can be achieved and even be pushed further...



The light and ultralight building methods allow to explore the concepts of freeforming and forming on the fly.




-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 26th of December 2017 04:06:31 PM

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 11th of August 2020 01:41:32 PM



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floating concrete platforms building methods

see more about WHY yacht

-- Edited by admin on Thursday 12th of June 2014 04:50:31 PM



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floating concrete platforms building methods, pricepoints

The suggestion:  build a 20x10 m demo version of a triangular floating structure compareable to a small version of the WHY yacht 100 squaremeter footprint 200 squaremeter total real estate in 2 floors. At a total cost of 16.000 USD keeping the already established cost frame of 80USD per squaremeter.


see more:

Investor proposals



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how marine business will lead to seasteading - read more here:

( page above was deleted by TSI )



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floating concrete platforms building methods

Each method group has its specific cost range being the heavy methods the most expensive with up to 800 USD per square meter real estate. The light method group can produce floating real estate at a cost of down to 50 USD per squaremeter.




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floating concrete platforms building methods, pricepoints

A seastead would use all 3 method groups to a certain extent, asigning each method group its optimized range of use. The heavy methods are useful for big industrial structures of building size. While the light methods adapt well to small ventures of boat size and family housing platforms of this type:

 .  . .



See more C-shell floating houses

-- Edited by admin on Monday 24th of April 2017 09:45:42 PM



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Floating house tubular shell honeycomb light method



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Wave impact resistant fiber concrete shell halfway between yacht and house...



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Understand floating real estate development - read more here:



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Understanding the role of fiber components:

Fiber components can be used in a very creative way in a composit material - one of those examples, that showcases the function of tension resistance added by fiber components, is spraying a layer of fiber component as a film on the surface of the piece. This can change the general properties of a piece DRAMATICLY. To get a impression on "how dramaticly" check some of those box liner videos...



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Concrete has clearly emerged as the most economical and durable material for the building of the vast majority of marine structures. Reinforced concrete too has overcome the technological problems making it a suitable material for the construction of advanced marine structures such as offshore drilling platforms, superspan bridges and undersea tunnels. As the world becomes increasingly ocean-oriented for energy and other resources it is predicted that construction activities during the 21st century will be dominated by concrete sea structures. The performance of concrete in the marine environment is presented here in a logical manner giving state-of-the-art reviews of the nature of the marine environment, the composition and properties of concrete, history of concrete performance in seawater, major causes of deterioration of concrete in the marine environment, selection of materials and mix proportioning for durable concrete, recommended concrete practice and repair of deteriorated marine structures. It is of value to any design or construction engineer responsible for marine structures.



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Marine Concrete building from the "engineering book" - what is "out there" already.



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Why invest in a marina in Cartagena that could be the first seastead some day.



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Seasteading as evolutionary marine business development



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Floating Platform investor proposals



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Return on Investment 1 USD input converts in USD 102 real estate asset value



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Wilfried Ellmer

| What you should know about me | business coordinates |

-- Edited by admin on Monday 13th of June 2016 12:51:18 PM



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:

Big things have small beginnings ocean colonization transition, potential:

Sustainability on Planet Earth only the oceans can safe us:

Free spirited oceanic lifestyle global mobility:



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Marinea Preliminary Business Plan

A floating city cluster for the caribbean (Bahamas)



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concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



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Cooperation with Wilfried Ellmer, his group, and his projects, investment, funds, token, loan, | project setup | startup founding | membership | levels  |  read more here



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The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture


The four fundamental quests of ocean colonization : | The quest for interference freedom | The quest for mobility | The quest for oceanic resources | The quest for space on the planet |



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Axes of ocean colonization: | Main Axes | Plate Seastead | Floating Real Estate | Catamaran concept | Captain Nemo Concept | Floating Breakwater Concept | Submerged Living Space Bubble Concept |



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Wilfried Ellmer

| What you should know about me | business coordinates |

Meta Topics:


The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture |

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 31st of May 2016 08:53:13 PM



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floating island light shell honeycomb structure  | yacht  | marina  | ramform




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honeycomb shell  | floating real estate  | oceanic business alliance



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• TSI target cost per square foot USD 500 |

• Oceanic business alliance target USD 80 per square foot | making ocean colonization affordable is key to make it massive.


Hypothesis: Non massive seasteading is happening already we just call it by other names  | Yachting  | Crusise Ships  | Marine Business  | all these have more or less permanent dwellings at protected bays and some at the open sea.

What is called seasteading is just the next evolutionary step of those industries.

-- Edited by admin on Monday 22nd of May 2017 12:31:16 PM



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The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture |

The four fundamental quests of ocean colonization : | The quest for interference freedom | The quest for mobility | The quest for oceanic resources | The quest for space on the planet |

Meta Topics:


Axes of ocean colonization: | Main Axes | Plate Seastead | Floating Real Estate | Catamaran concept | Captain Nemo Concept | Floating Breakwater Concept | Submerged Living Space Bubble Concept |

Concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



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Composite structures and code conformity.




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Modular Extension | Connectors | Cellular expansion | Building Technology | Advanced Cement composite structures | oceanic business alliance |

Dot printing


Osteoblasts - bone structure



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The cost average for the US in homebuilding is USD 1450 per square meter.



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cost to build such a structure

So far we have done pilot projects that indicate a building cost per square meter living space in a range of USD 20 - USD 600. (all depends on the location and the building method) (light honeycomb building, bubble cluster structures, diagrid and truss shells )

The big land-fill projects in Singapore ( Forest City) Dubai (Palm Dubai) etc... already come at a cost of USD 700 per square meter just for building the Sandbank - means the building lot - not the living space.

The cost average for the US in homebuilding is USD 1450 per square meter.

So in the ocean colonization movement we are not only able to compete with the existing markets - we can outcompete them by far.

For the cartagena cholon project for example we offer floating homes at less than a third a home would cost in the US. ( USD 98K for 2600 sq ft )



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this is something new for me. 



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Floating Real Estate Paradigm Shift



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Though I am a concrete contractor who builds anything from patios to retaining walls, I never new that building floating structures on water is so easy. Great info. Thanks!



Wow! So many advantages of building concrete foundations and homes on water. The most important factor for me is the cheaper construction price.

- Edward Isaac


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Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with extra information? It is extremely helpful for me. rich


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Another important job done by these professional real estate agents is the Market value assessment.Phoenix flat fee MLS People interested in buying or selling Arizona real estate property would get the most accurate valuation for the property from these agents who conducts a most scientific and logical market comparative analysis.


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A fence provides both privacy and security for kids and pets. If properly maintained, a privacy fence can improve a home's exterior appeal and potentially increase its selling value. See:



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I love long jackets & this one is very unique NYC Jacket



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کافیه تو گوگل یه سرچ ساده بزنین، میبینین اینترنت پر شده از تبلیغات راجع به خرید و فروش زمین، در حقیقت پیدا کردن زمین مناسب برای خرید رو باید سپرد به کاردون. اونایی که کارکشته این کار هستند باید راهنماییتون کنند. مثلا اینکه کجای شهر و یا روستا برای خریدوفروش زمین گیلان مناسب هست، کجا قراره بره توی طرح، گجا رو منابع طبیعی دست گذاشته و زمینهاش به درد خرید نمیخورن. خلاصه گول تبلیغات رو نخورین و حسابی تحقیق کنین. بعضیها میگن برین فلان زمین رو بخرین که کاربری مسکونی نداره و قراره مسکونی بشه ولی یهویی 10 سال باید صبر کنین و بازم مسکونی نمیشه



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Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though.


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Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks. spbo terlengkap

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