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Post Info TOPIC: establishing a ramform floating base in the high seas, concrete honeycomb structures


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establishing a ramform floating base in the high seas, concrete honeycomb structures

floating concrete shell and honeycomb structures, ocean colonization, seasteading, ocean habitat, oceanic platform, ocean base, baystead, oceanic aquaculture, ocean domestication, marine business infrastructure, marine business cluster, ocean sphere, ice island, floating island, marine infrastructure development, floating wharfs, floating docks, oceanic settlements, venice, sea trade hub, independence at sea, worldwide traveling business headquarters , bubble cluster seastead, draupner impact safe bubble structures, reticular structures, draupner imposed design features, ocean real estate, landfill, asian sand wars, Ramform render pictures


For a floating structure that is not operated as a ship or yacht but more as a floating home or floating island a triangular shape is the most suitable. This shape has been discussed under the term "Ramform".

Nice computer renders about this here:  WHY yacht

Other variations to the topic triangular shape for floating structures see below... 


A floating light concrete honeycomb structure (wallthickness 5 mm) in Cartagena. We built that as a pilot project for testing out the building method. The internal honeycomb structure of the WHY yacht. Light floating concrete islands are feasible, any shape can be performed, a living space squaremeter price of about 166 USD per squaremeter is doable (have tested that, have done that in real world pilot projects).

Triangular shapes are the best option for floating islands as they combine the benefit of a ship bow with the stability of a broad flat bottom that implements a high degree of stability. The ramform building principle suggested here begins with a small triangle that keeps growing in the stern part so that the floating island can grow to unlimited size over time.

Building floating concrete honeycomb shell structures on the water itself can be developed from existing concrete construction technology no "quantum leap of engineering" is required. Only a smart adaption of existing technology to the oceanc environment.


While the vast mayority of floating concrete honeycomb and shell structures that float currently on the ocean are heavy industrial structures with wall thickness of 30cm or thicker. Extreme light fiber concrete structures like the triangular honeycomb sturucture in the first picture above, with only 5mm wall thickness can allso be performed ( by skilled experts). This allows strong concrete honeycomb structures that float high in the water, move fast, and are economic to build, in any imaginable shape and size. Open ocean capable structures at only 166 USD per real estate squaremeter are within reach for this technology.

concrete shell island .


The building technology of choice is concrete honeycomb shell building to allow for great strength in wave impact and overwash, while light in nature and architectonic appealing interior.

Bubble cluster building concept

small domes spheres, aggregated to a floating island that works like a "foamblock" without the need for "structural beams".


Marine Concrete Engineering

Concrete has clearly emerged as the most economical and durable material for the building of the vast majority of marine structures. Reinforced concrete too has overcome the technological problems making it a suitable material for the construction of advanced marine structures such as offshore drilling platforms, superspan bridges and undersea tunnels. As the world becomes increasingly ocean-oriented for energy and other resources it is predicted that construction activities during the 21st century will be dominated by concrete sea structures. The performance of concrete in the marine environment is presented here in a logical manner giving state-of-the-art reviews of the nature of the marine environment, the composition and properties of concrete, history of concrete performance in seawater, major causes of deterioration of concrete in the marine environment, selection of materials and mix proportioning for durable concrete, recommended concrete practice and repair of deteriorated marine structures. It is of value to any design or construction engineer responsible for marine structures.
Concrete in the Marine Environment (Modern Concrete Technology)



 A triangular form allows to point a bow against the waves, and have a broad stern that gives stability to the island and provides a protected water access.



Bow for wave handling combined with glass and easy ocean access in the stern part.



Establishing a ramform floating base in the high seas, concrete honeycomb structures.

The ramform is a new ship design, that implements a traditional ship bow and a extremly wide stern section, to a ship of "triangular shape". It has been implemented for a series of oceanic research ships, and for a new yacht design, called "The Why yacht".

The broad stern makes the hull stable, almost like a catamaran hull. The bow can handle mayor waves just like a normal ship, while in the stern section there is a calm water access, for researchers, equipment handling, diver and dinghi access, that can be almost compared with a "moonpool" feature (central pool within the ship hull ) as it is seen on oceanic drill and investigation ships. The ramform has already been suggested as a "floating base in mid ocean" in the first world war in the form of "ice island".

Rubber dinghies have always had a shape similar to the ramform - allowing the outboard motor to work wave protected, close to the watersurface in the stern part. As everybody knows they are extremly stable and still quite mobile at the same time. Ramform Banff, Ramform Sterling  (red ships below) has taken the concept, scaled it up, and are providing a "stationary floating base in mid ocean" for the oil/gas industry already. But also maintain the capability to operate as a ship with full mobility. So the "ramform floating island" is reality as we speak.

Read more about seasteading outposts here


 . wally-hermes-yachts-why-58x38-project.jpg . 4388238280_1a7fbac189_o.jpg . images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5saH0BoSRFCK9Rc3cNmqgOdCdAtsjt5nGO2_oYmvc8QzMOGjXrQ .

The ramform with its extreme broad stern, can be a quite fast moving hull as well - check the speedboat and the sailboat with ramform hull below...


Combining the Ramform with an Ullstein bow you get a vessel that can take a Draupner wave over the bow, would go in "piercing mode" trough that wave, and still features the stern with a low freeboard that allows unrestricted water access.




What we suggest here is to take the concept a step further....


Khalifa port - a oceanic industrial structure...not floating yet - but could be - the cost per squaremeter for a concrete honeycomb floating structure is identical to the cost of landfill - so instead of creating a "artificial sandbank" in the ocean we could create a "artificial floating island in triangular shape". Shifting the building material from "naval steel construction" to "industrial concrete construction" the price per squaremeter deck will be compareable to european city real estate prices.

venice seasteading ocean colonization

VENICE, called "the floating city" - although it does not actually float - it just OPERATES like a floating city. It is in its core  a "interference free space in the swamps", oriented to sea trade, personal freedom, and democratic society, brokered surrounding power blocks sucessfully for 1500 years keeping its independence. This could be the final destiny of a "fully grown ramform". A floating city. More about VENICE here

The "technological weakness" of venice is, that it is built on wood pile foundation in a swamp and sinking slowly down. Today we could build something like Venice on floating concrete honeycomb foundations that last for centuries.

. module.jpg .


feasibility and "cost per squaremeter pilot project" test for a "modular floating concrete honeycomb structure" in Cartagena... Big industrial floating concrete structures have a long and sucessful service record in the oil/gas industry. The interesting question we tried to solve in Cartagena was - how do you size such structures down to something like a floating restaurant, or a floating family house, a floating event platform, that allows a family business to run on the water.


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Nkossa Barge, floating industrial honeycomb structure. / Rofomex Barge concrete barge /  honeycomb structure /

Floating concrete technology is feasible at a cost of 470 USD per squaremeter deck.

Landfill in Singapore is rated at a cost of 800 USD per squaremeter.


To read more about the topic how to implement floating islands with starting on a very small scale, how the ramform fits in as a engineering approach, see also this discussion on Seasteading


/ Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /

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The easiest way, to establish a permanent presence in the high seas, would be to float out a ramform base, built to ship size in a calm bay, and then develop it further, moored on a open water location.

The basic charakteristics of a ramform base the "stern harbor" allows ongoing construction activity in the high seas in a "protected environment" as all wavebreaking and wave handling would go on on the bow section of the structure while the stern harbor would remain calm like a lagoon or a moonpool and allow ongoing construction activity similar to the construction activity you see in the Khalifa Port foto above. Part of the Port is already working, another part is still in construction.

This is something that can not be done with a ship hull or a barge. It is "modular floating island building". But it will not require the finance muscle of multimillion dollar project as the ramform base would grow just like a land based settlement over many years - even over centuries depending on the development of the business ambient that drives the settlement.

The minimum size of the triangular starting piece could be as small as 20m and it could grow over time to a floating island of kilometers of lenght.

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A possible starting point for a modular ramform island could look like this. Once the platform has a size that all works can be developed on the platform itself the building site becomes more and more land independent. When the bow structure grows to a size and structural toughness to deal with ocean waves the ramform island can float out and be moored in a more exposed oceanic environment as the calm waterspace needed for ongoing construction would be created by the structure itself in the protected stern area. While the "wave breaking" would go on in the bow area.

The more the triangular structure grows - the bigger becomes the "protected stern lagoon" - inviting more and more business in form of tourism boats, yacht services, etc to the floating island.

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Finally you would come to something that is a "floating island" with a "marina development" in the stern section something like the "artist version" of a shipstead cruiseship in the picture above, or the floating port portunus. Over time bigger versions of ramform floating islands would develop into "independent seabased cities" following the business model of 17 century VENICE. While the early versions would possibly stay connected to land and work as the "marine district" of a land based city - just like the floating tourism center and floating load terminal below.

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starting with a floating baseplate - then growing in land connection mode to ship size - finally reaching city or atolon size....
the technology for doing it is widely tested and we know that that kind of floating concrete honeycomb structures can have a service life of at least 200 years - compared to a ship in naval steel building that has a service life (with a intense maintainence shedule) of 25 years maximum - only concrete shell and honeycomb technology can give a service life with "oceanic real estate" - quality.

Nkossa Barge




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A floating ramform island can also be a industrial structure dedicated to a single purpose like the floating Zeppelin and Yacht Hangars in the pictures below.

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USS Ponce with a stern feature that allows load/unload operations docking of small boats and all kind of water based activities in a "protected stern harbor" where waves are dampend by the floating structure.  A ramform base would take this principle and maximize the usable area of the "stern harbor" and increase the beam of the structure for increased stability.

The wave protection still a bit incomplete on the stern of the Ponce (see foto) would be as perfect as in any harbor protected by breakwaters. Other than the Ponce that is still designed to be a "Vessel" and operate at high speed with a fleet, the Ramform base would sacrifice some speed for a more extense protection in the stern area.

In fact it would litterally be impossible to say if it is a "vessel", a "dock", or a "floating harbor" in its basic nature.

USS Ponce




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ramform in a rubber dinghy

Ramform in a rubber dinghy.

ramform in a yacht

Ramform in a yacht stern feature with swimming pool and watertoys.



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wilfried Ellmer, manager, expat, latin america, colombia, business development, advisor, consultant, portal. german, english, spanish, business development key player network, colombia foreign investment, colombia subsidiary opening, real estate, marine services, tourism, chamber of commerce, business partnering, joint venture, oil, gas, mining, infrastructure, services, outsourcing, barges, ship repair, shipyard services, development, colombia resident manager, colombia european expat manager, country manager, portal industrial cartagena, internet, seo, search engine marketing, industry, logistics integration, management, projects, headhunting, project setup, executive search, your man in colombia, fulltime, parttime, freelance, consulting, available for projects now, logistics, support, setup, WILFRIED ELLMER ASESORIAS Y SERVICIOS S A S, Richard Branson, Necker Island, Virgin Oceanic, James Cameron, Bob Ballard, Chris Welch, Wilfried Ellmer, floating concrete platforms, honeycomb floating platform, floating concrete shell construction, ocean colonization business alliance, ocean base, deep sea investigation, vent base alpha, deep sea mining, oceanic aquaculture, floating structure development, floating marina development, oceanic business key player development network, underwater hotels, underwater tourism development, submarine yacht, seasteading, Peter Thiel, ocean investigation, business, Greg Venter, sourcer, expedition, ocean elders, silvia earle, don walsh, ted turner, jean michel cousteau, rita colwell, jakson browne, graeme kelleher, neil young, sven lindblad, nainoa thompson,



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Basicly you would start with building the bow section and then keep the stern section a "permanent building site" that can can be developed and grow to bigger and bigger size  like a "floating marina district" by adding floating modular structures and connecting them to the existing island.

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Key feature of the Ramform island is that it allows modular "calm waterspace development" with floating marina elements. And still maintains a certain mobility allowing it to change the mooring site if the economic and politcal environment of the "coastal host city" changes. It would in some way work similar to the proven model of a cruiseship - just leaving all the expensive "ship features" behind becoming more a "floating marina district" with relative independence. (Compareable to Palm Dubai - just not on sandbanks - but afloat - and therefore capable to point a bow against the waves like a FPSO (floating oil production terminal) and be potential mobile.

-- Edited by admin on Sunday 4th of June 2017 06:19:27 PM



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Cartagena Colombia - The centerpiece of the "spanish oceanic overseas empire" - today.  A waterfront oriented city ready to switch to "floating development". In desperate need of "more space" and a "oceanic proyection" driven by the need of a growing population.



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The expensive thing at "oceanic developments" is the wave protection. Palm Dubai can be optimized in two points:

1) by switching from sandbanks to floating honeycomb structures which would lower the cost from 800 USD to 166 USD per squaremeter of living space.

2) having a triangular ramform shape with a single mooring torret (like a floating loading facility in the oil industry) that allows to point a bow against the waves.




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But like always big things have small beginnings. So the initial triangular piece that serves as seed piece for the ramform seastead could be as small as a 15m triangle and start developing from there...

It would start as a floating modular concrete honeycomb structure... something like the piece below...

As soon it has reached a size like in the last foto in the series, it can already serve as a business (restaurant, event platform) and produce the money for its further expansion in the same way as land based development projects work.

module.jpg.  .






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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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Ramform floating island stern part:



The ramform stern would combine the function of a floating marina with a "modified ship stern"

. . ocean05.jpg . . . .



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So we would end up with something that is mobil like a ship but also a "harbor installation" similar to the portunus floating harbor project. A concept just halfway between those two:




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And in a later phase - becomming a independent oceanic city with independence - comparable to 17 century venice.

- read more here:



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  1. Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable ...
    26 Oct 2012 – Concrete Floating Structures .... A ramform ocean base could look something like that - halfeway between a yacht, a houseboat, a island resort ...

    Concrete shell and honeycomb structures for port development ...
    17 Apr 2012 – Concrete shell and honeycomb structures for port development. ... is needed, care is required to ensure concrete of high quality and strength and low ... the interaction of the concrete structure with the process of the sea and, it points out, .... floating honeycomb concrete structures - .

    Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living ...
    18 Jul 2011 – The base element : A catamaran concrete float - a chambered .... than later to enable aspiring seasteaders to take on the coastal and high seas, .... of small concrete honeycomb structures, among those a catamaran floating element. .... get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable ...

    Live aboard floating platform for the poor - ...
    If we give a floating concrete shell platform to the poor people and enable ... to create some problems maybe moving the business to the high seas is the .... when you search "concrete honeycomb structures" with the search function of this forum. ... a "ramform oceanic base", or a "captain nemo float out" - for living quaters of ...

    2 - FORUM
    8 Jun 2012 – A floating concrete dock from Japan that drifted over the pacific after being broken ... The 165 ton concrete and metal structure, which is the biggest piece of ... to cities, and increased risks of flooding and sea level rise, more and more .... A similar problem can happen in homes with high-efficiency furnaces.

    Floating Real Estate - FORUM ...
    If you think it trough a floating concrete honeycomb structure is kind of "out of jurisdiction" ... floating concrete structures that have scalability visit the ramform thread ... to establish the Water Futures partnership to promote private sector action on ... of cramped cities and high real estate prices that force to expand toward the ...

    The captain nemo float out - seasteading - ...
    The fluids emitted by these deep-sea vents are rich in metals and high in temperature. ... floating base / floating breakwater marina / ramform beam requirement / ... base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in ..... had been able to do: establish a working presence on the deep-ocean floor ...

    Seasteading Outpost Belize - FORUM ...
    Extremly touristic zones are bad due to high level of de facto regulation. .... reasons owns most of the caribbean sea and coastline out of the hurricane zone. .... although they work on base of stilts and landfill instead of buoyant platforms. ... that expanding islote by floating concrete honeycomb structures is a great idea.

    Concrete Submarine Yacht
    If you do it right floating concrete structures of only 5cm wallthickness can be ... a practical base to take the technology of the giant floating concrete structures that are .... The combination of submerged living space and established oceanic ... So it is a good solution for big sized concrete floats that can survive in the high seas ...
    You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 10/14/12

    The Bridge Designs - gCaptain
    All attempts to camouflage ships at sea had failed, as the appearance of the sea ... after the pattern of the irregular honeycomb lattice structure that encases it's upper ... Ships In Concrete – Best Maritime Inspired Architecture ... The Ship Residence – High upon a promontory on South Bass Island in ... The Floating Islands ...




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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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Khalifa - The new manufacturing hub, which is expected to open late next year in Taweelah, about halfway between Abu Dhabi island and the Dubai border - it is a landfill - but it could be a "floating island" too. In fact the cost per squaremeter for landfill and "floating concrete honeycomb structure" are very similar.



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What this island shows very well is the combination of a hardened edge (bow) in the front dealing with waves - and the ongoing construction works in the "calm lagoon of the stern section"

It also enlightens the business model. A Ramform island would be more a "city near floating industrial park" than a "shipstead" on a steel barge in the sense of blueseed.



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Key feature service life

The key feature is that such a structure can not be built in marine steel construction technology as shipyards all around the world handle it.

The plating and framing of ships is made to last about 15 years in marine conditions and only if it is under a strict shedule of sandblasting and recoating. If you would leave a steel plate framing structure without maintenance in a tropical marine ambient the rust would work trough it and it would sink within 2 years.

It is also clear that a structure like the Khalifa island can not go to drydock and get a grit blasting and repaint below the waterline every year no drydock to perform such works exists.

The only structural building material that meets the requirements for such a build is concrete. Concrete structures have shown to have the capacity to stay afloat in marine ambient maintenance free for 200 years and probably more.

You can not base "real estate deals", "housing offers", and "industrial installations" on a floating island (steel) base that will only last 2 years - but you can base them on a floating honeycomb concrete island that will float 200 years and more.



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floating real estate building lots on the water



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ramform seastead floating island



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discussion of the ramform floating island at seasteading org:



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shell dome . .

When floating islands grow to a size where any wave including a Draupner wave can be handled by the structure -  and mobility is not needed anymore as the structure is a center of its own - the shape of the floating island does not matter anymore. Only small islands in the size of a ship are better off as a Ramform because they still need wave handling with a bow structure.

-- Edited by admin on Monday 3rd of February 2014 01:05:24 AM



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Rion-Antirion-Pylon plate float out

-- Edited by admin on Monday 3rd of February 2014 12:58:46 AM



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:

Ocean colonization gallery:



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Starting Point

Ramform Development small triangle to floating island....imagine the development of a ramform island like shown the 3 picture series below  : a light floating concrete honeycomb structure from our testsite in Cartagena, a floating platform base, a floating concrete shell in natural rock design.

. concrete shell island .

The shell like this can point a bow against the waves much like a Ullstein ship. As you see in the first picture floating honeycomb structures can be built very light . This structure was built on the watersurface so no building site and launch process is required.

Watch the extreme light honeycomb construction in the first picture - a special fiber concrete application allows a light platform where no "tedious foam process" is necessary. Any shape is possible, the weight is comparable to glassfiber shell construction.



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Sparse Connection

Floating elements in sparse connection built up to bigger floating structures type "cluster".

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Floating Marinas , floating load terminals, etc... just a few of those structures rafted toghether already allow to get a return on investment by starting operating like a port or a marina while growing to a larger size. Finally a big cluster of floating structures will work like Palm Dubai a independent city on the water, bringing together a big amount of business opportunities and gaining a reputation of its own repeating the historic sucessful  VENICE business model



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Oceanic concrete building technology heavy industrial.

It is predicted that in the 21st century more building activity will take place on the water than on land.

Industrial large sized floating concrete structures.  Nkossa barge. Floating concrete wharf structures. The building of those structures in not very different form the building of concrete structures on land.

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Those structures the size of a building have a wide use in the industrial field (oil gas) and successful service records for more than 30 years at sea - no maintenance required.


Floating concrete structures heavy, medium, light...price range 50-800 USD per squaremeter real estate.

- read more here:




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Scaling down industrial floating concrete structures.

Here in Cartagena we scaled down the typical large sized industrial concrete floating structures to a size that a small private venture can use. Make it a modular platform for a small restaurant or a floating event platform.

module.jpg. .

The interesting question is : how thin can you actually perform concrete walls in a marine ambient without the construction starting to seep water. The answer is in the picture below. If you get the building process right and combine the material components correctly even a wall of only 5 cm concrete can be sufficient to build seeping free and bone dry floating structures. (foto below) this opens the field for "quite light structureal honeycomb building on the water"

Rafting up big platforms on base of modular elements like the one shown above is obviously in reach for a skilled concrete engineering team. The key is "skilled team" while almost any concrete contractor can perform satisfactory in a industrial heavy build floating concrete engineering site like Nkossa, TrollA, Rofomex etc... - only a skilled specialized craftsman can build something like the modular honeycomb platform here.

Special fiber concrete applications even allow to make floating concrete honeycomb structures that can be as light and as a glassfiber construction. This specific concrete honeycomb floating base is as light as the glassfiber boat in the background but its cost per cubic meter build are a factor 100 lower and its maintenance free service life at sea is 200 years. This is floating Real Estate. Concrete can work as floating real estate, steel can not, as it rusts away in a few years and there is no way to get "fresh bottom paint" on a floating island, what would be a requirement to keep marine steel in good shape.




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Looking for partnership to implement floating real estate on large scale in the bay of Cartagena taking in financial partners ....



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#CaribbeanBusiness #LatinAmericaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessDevelopment #businessmatchmaking #BusinessDevelopmentLatinAmerica #OceanFrontierDevelopment #GermanColombiaBusiness #ColombiaBusinessNetwork #ColombiaCartagena #SuedamerikaBusiness #latinindustryBiz #InternetExpertProductPlacement #ColombiaBusinessMentor #InternationalBusinessColombia #CartagenaColombiaBusinessPartnership #ConcreteSubmarineYacht #GaleriaC #ConcreteSubmarine #latinamericagrowth #ColombiaExport #ColombiaEmergingMarket #ColombiaResidentManager #ColombiaInternationalManager #ColombiaEuropeanManager #ColombiaDigitalMarketing #VelerosCartagenaColombia #CaptainNemoInvestment #CaptainNemoBusiness #CaptainNemoYacht #ColombiaAgent #CartagenaWaterSports #MarketEntrance #ROIfocusedDigitalMarketing #BusinessMentor #YatesAlquilerCartagena #networkmarketing #SubmarineHabitat #ColombiaResidentEuropeanManager #ConcreteSubmarine #DeutscheLateinamerikaInvestments #ColombiaBusinessMentor #economylatinamerica #InvestmentOpportunity #startingabusinessincolombia #CartagenaMarineKeyPlayerNetwork #NautilusmakerNetwork #LatinAmericaBusinessConsultingNetwork #RedNegocios #LatinAmericaBusinessLeadership #CartagenaTours #MarineEngineeringCaribbean #DipYourToeColombiaInvestment #CartagenaColombiaYachtCharter #CartagenaColombiaYachtRentals



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roi focused digital marketing. Wilfried Ellmer Business. Business Partnership. Marcela Mancilla. Infrastructure investment Colombia. Europe Colombia Business Mentoring. Project Development Latin America. Business Development. Infrastructure Business Development. Internet Product Placement. Colombia Investment Opportunities. Opening Mentoring. Business Networking.

Astilleros.Servicios Navales.Soldadura Industrial..yacht charter cartagena......nemo business..ramform.



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ramform sailing yacht

A triangular shape combines great stability (capacity of carriying big sails) with good hydrodynamics, so ramform hulls are suitable for fast sailing yachts.



ramform on a small sailing yacht

-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 16th of December 2015 08:50:52 PM



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concrete shell cluster

Concrete shell cluster building - each thin shell dome is connected to the next this gives a building that works similar to a "foamblock" and can be extended to any shape and size without the need of structural beams. So the shape and size of the island built on base of this technology does not need to be pre-determiated like a organic body that grows cell by cell a building in this technology can grow bubble by bubble adding size and strength where it is needed.



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- read more about floating concrete shell and honeycomb building methods that would be used for a ramform project:



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concepts: / Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



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The four fundamental quests of ocean colonization : | The quest for interference freedom | The quest for mobility | The quest for oceanic resources | The quest for space on the planet |

The big five business fields of ocean colonization: | oceanic transport | oceanic energy | oceanic real estate | deep sea mining | oceanic aquaculture |

/ Lens shell pictures overview / / Ramform floating home pictures / / c-shell floating home pictures / / Floating concrete building methods / / shell cluster pictures / / investor proposal list /



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Wilfried Ellmer

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