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offshoring the megatrend of the century

offshoring the megatrend of the century  | subdue to nobody  | business model  | oceanic freedom  | seasteading  | oceanic business alliance™  | nautilusmaker®  | interference freedom  | breakaway civilization  | oceanic real estate paradigm shift  | New-VENICE™  | New-Atlantis™  |




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Offshoring the megatrend of the century

We live in a world where half of all money is offshore already, tycoons like Abramovic and Branson are "offshoring" their private life and tax declarations, Google is offshoring data centers to get rid of state interference in their business, it can be easyly predicted that at the end all buisness all money all data, will be taken out of interference of politics and states and in one form or another be "offshored".

The final point of the "offshoring movement" is Captain Nemo, doing business worldwide from a yacht that governments and other interferers could not even spot and interfere if they wanted. Eclipse is still visible to everybody every time it goes for a port, it can still be boarded it can still be grounded by authorities in a port. Nautilus is already out of this dilemma - it can not be spotted, it can not be boarded, it can not be grounded in any reasonably possible and feasible operation. It converts the personal living space bubble of a individual into something that is private and off radar in the same way as a numbered offshore account gets money "off radar" and invisible.

The whole idea of offshoring has many times been discredited as a "safe haven for criminal activity" - but this is mere negative propaganda of the proponents of the nanny and big brother state. Privacy is a basic right and going off radar is just implementing your rights in the real world. It is not even new - the people who went to the new world as pioneers "offshored" their religion and business from interference in Europe. Today there is no land left to do that - for going off radar you best go oceanic technology makes it feasible.

Read more here: why going oceanic is next big thing to come in business



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Abramovic yacht Eclipse - doing business from a oceanic floating headquarter leaves very little interferers in your business...

abramovic eclipse

The same idea but taken a bit further... the Captain Nemo float out...

The yacht that's also a submarine: The Austrian-based yacht design studio Motion Code: Blue developed it


-- Edited by admin on Friday 7th of March 2014 04:13:49 AM

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 5th of July 2022 05:35:32 PM



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I would like to understand offshoring not in the narrow way of "taking capital operations out of reach of a particular fiscus" offshoring can also be bitcoin in cyberspace, installing your business headquarter in Andorra where only rules that you consent will be forced on you. Flying a "flag of convenience", doing pharma research in countries with "favorable legislation" as the multinationals do, operating business from a business jet, having several nationalities and use the convenient one....



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Let us take offshoring as:


Basicly any measure that brings you and your assets out of reach, jurisdiction,  of interference that you do not consent.



One of the most radical measures is this:


 “As many as 743 [mostly high net worth individuals] ... with American citizenship or legal resident status renounced their U.S. citizenship in 2009” ...This was “three times as many as in 2008 -- which resulted in a waiting list for people to say farewell ...

Jonathan Berr in AOL’s Daily Finance.­‐rich-­‐americans-­‐renounce-­‐u-­‐s-­‐citizenship-­‐for-­‐lower-­‐taxes/



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If we do not only look at capital streams (half of the capital streams of the world are already offshore) but also see several residencies in different countries, yachts traveling global, and business jets, multiple international subsidiaries and that kind of things,  as a form of doing business "offshored" - this is definitly one of the biggest industries on the planet - the industry to "establish privacy" against the "control will" of interferers of all kind.



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“Politics is about interfering with other people’s lives without their consent.” – Peter Thiel



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Read more why the need for interference free business space makes oceanic business the next big thing to come....



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Read more why creating space on the ocean in a concrete sphere is the direction this trend will lead us - before humantiy is ready to take off for space colonization.




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Read more about doing business like Captain Nemo...


Read more about historical lessons for oceanic business from VENICE...





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Out to sea, out of mind

The secret offshore world of the superrich


Warren Buffett once remarked that we were in the midst of a new class war. “There is class warfare, all right,” he said, “but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

One of the ways the rich have waged this war has been through offshoring: moving resources, practices, people and money from one national territory to another and hiding them within secrecy jurisdictions.

Offshoring involves evading rules, laws, taxes, regulations or norms in ways that are either illegal or against the spirit of the law. Offshore worlds developed because of mobility systems that transport people, money, information and objects across the oceans. These include not only physical infrastructure to move cargo ships, planes, cars and trucks but also virtual infrastructure like electronic money-transfer systems and taxation, legal and financial expertise for avoiding national regulations.

This offshoring world is dynamic, reorganizing economic, social, political and material relations among societies and also within them. Above all, it is secretive. This makes it a paradise for the rich, a vision of the world almost without government, taxes and laws, where only the powerful, their ships and their companies survive and everyone else is left — sometimes literally — to sink to the bottom.

Secret paradises

Offshoring is a key part of globalization. Throughout the 1990s, it was a widely held belief that the global movement of money, people, ideas, images, information and objects was economically, politically and culturally beneficial. Most aspects of contemporary societies were thought to have been positively transformed through increased borderlessness.

But the ’90s did not turn out to be the harbinger of an optimistic and borderless future. It turns out that there’s a dark side to constant movement. Moving across borders are many new risks, trafficked men and women, drug runners, terrorists, criminals, slave traders, smuggled workers, waste, financial risks and untaxed trillions — to name just a few downsides. They inhabit various secret spheres designed to enable movement out of sight. Central to these offshore worlds are the vast oceans.

Since some 7 billion humans are crowded onto just one-quarter of the earth’s surface, oceans provide ways to obscure what would otherwise be onshore and therefore visible. There are ships flying flags of convenience where work conditions for seafarers are driven to rock bottom. There are places in the sea where many poor migrants have lost their lives in transit to what they hoped would be a better life. Oceans are a global rubbish dump, with the great Pacific garbage patch twice the size of France.

This new global order is thus the opposite of open and transparent. It is a world of concealment, of secret gardens mainly orchestrated in and for the rich class. Tax havens are places of escape and freedom, often with nice beaches. But it’s not the sun and sand that have recalibrated the entire global economy in a few short decades. That shift is to blame on another kind of paradise — the paradise of low taxes, wealth management, deregulation and secrecy.

Since the 1980s, there has been an astonishing growth in the movement of wealth to and through the world’s 60 to 70 tax havens, which today represent at least one-quarter of existing countries. These tax havens are as likely to be in the middle of nowhere as in your own backyard. They include Switzerland, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Manhattan, the City of London, Panama, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Jersey, Delaware, Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai. The development of secrecy jurisdictions are core to the liberalization of the global economy that began in the 1980s, and they contributed to the ending of many currency-exchange controls — which enabled money to flow around the world and to develop the power of an unregulated shadow finance.

This rich class is the beneficiary of these havens. Almost all major companies have offshore accounts or subsidiar­ies, more than half of world trade passes through them at some point, and almost all high-net-worth individuals possess offshore accounts enabling tax planning (i.e., avoidance). Ninety-nine of Europe’s hundred largest com­panies use offshore subsidiaries. It has been calculated that one-quarter to one-third of all global wealth is held offshore.

Despite governments’ constant assertions that they are cracking down on tax evasion and avoidance,offshored money has grown from $11 billion in 1968 to $21 trillion in 2010 (equivalent to about one-third of annual world income). According to the Tax Justice Network’s calculations, fewer than 10 million people own this $21 trillion offshore fortune, a sum equivalent to the combined GDPs of the United States and Japan. This is the source of power and wealth of the superrich, with almost all owing their fortunes in part to the rapid and secret moving of money and ownership.

In “Treasure Islands,” his 2011 book about tax havens, Nicholas Shaxson shows that offshore is how the world of power now works. Money staying onshore is almost now the exception, suitable only for the little people still paying taxes. Big, institutional money is often offshored in one way or another. Shaxson describes how the United States is by a far the world’s most important secrecy jurisdiction. In the little state of Delaware, there is a single building that houses 217,000 companies. Shaxson conservatively calculates the annual loss of taxation from this offshoring world at hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars. The offshore world also makes it hard for small and medium-size companies to compete.

Nowhere men

“You don’t live anywhere, and neither does your money,” one commentator said about being a billionaire. “Or, rather, you live everywhere, and so does your money.” This life involves rapid movement across the oceans, with homes dotted around the world, endless business travel, private schools, family structured around occasional get-togethers, private leisure clubs, luxury ground transport, airport lounges, private jets, luxury destinations and places of distinction and luxury for encountering other superrich people. Place, property and power are intertwined in forming and sustaining such a networked and often hidden rich class.

And the consequences of offshoring are not just to heighten the privileges of the superrich. It also means that the rest of society suffers, from the loss of tax revenue and higher taxes paid by the little people, from the deterioration of public services, from a lack of control of resources, from images of the good life that are unsustainable and from an inability to effect a collective response to major issues like climate change.

We neglect these offshore worlds at our peril, especially in examining how what has escaped offshore might ever be reshored. This offshoring and lack of transparency is bad for democratic governance and for societies’ ever being able to move together toward a better future. The motto for these water worlds might as well be “Out to sea and out of mind.”

This argument is developed in: John Urry’s “Offshoring,” Polity (2014). Visit this link for a short offshoring video.

John Urry is a distinguished professor of sociology and the director of the Centre for Mobilities Research at Lancaster University. His recent books include “Climate Change and Society” (2011) and “Societies Beyond Oil” (2013). 

This article reflects John Urry's opinion about offshoring - which is not exactly coincident with the opinion of the forum owners...the reason we print it here is because it gives a "comprehensive overview" to the topic...




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The problem is not that there is a society segment that can "opt out" from "the ultimate step to tax slavery"

The real problem seems to be, that there are vast society segments that can NOT.

So making "opt out available" for everybody, and keep government competing to attract citicens to their jurisdiction, looks more "democratic" than postulate the need for ways to lock even the last free roaming people in, and control everybody and everything planet wide.

At the end what those people do with their money and their offshoring efforts, is make sure that their "freedom stays free", and their "privacy stays private" - how can that be a bad thing ? - Especially for somebody who teaches on a university...and is considered a "distinguished" professor...

Am i "guilty of wrongthink" here already ?


Read more about globalization, internet, and traditional authorithy structures falling apart, here:


-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 28th of December 2022 03:39:11 PM



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Balaji Srinivasan on Silicon Valley’s Ultimate Exit


October 22, 2013 by Charlie Deist

Seasteading supporter Balaji S. Srinivasan is the poster child of a modern-day pioneer. Seeing the limits of old ways of doing things, he founded Counsyl, a prenatal genetic testing company, to extend the technological frontier in medicine. Balaji recently spoke at Y Combinator’s startup school and boldly proposed pushing the frontier a step further, suggesting a framework for thinking about “Silicon Valley’s Ultimate Exit” (click to see slides). The reference should sound familiar to seasteaders, given our emphasis on the “opt-in/opt-out” mechanism as the lever for change, to complement and empower the people’s voice in society.

In a masterful analogy, Balaji asks if the USA has become the “Microsoft” of international politics. Chief among the similarities is that no one in has a choice but to “buy” the USA as the world’s dominant “operating system.” Just as Google displaced Microsoft’s hegemony over basic computing, a new crop of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and companies are eclipsing the government, along with old co-dependent industries in Hollywood (entertainment), New York City (media), and Boston (academia).


But the “ultimate exit,” he said, will come with the advent of complete societies run by technology and governed on an entirely opt-in/opt-out basis. Influential Silicon Valley entrepreneurs like Larry Page, Marc Andreessen, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have in various ways staked their reputation on such a development, signaling that new ways of running society might be very near indeed.

Balaji’s final image suggests we may be in agreement on the most practical jumping-off point for the world’s first society-wide startup experiment:


Medical Floating Platform token

Everybody can be part of our ventures now…


-- Edited by admin on Friday 31st of May 2019 01:13:43 PM



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United Nations


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, Therefore, The General Assembly proclaims

This Universal Declaration Of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.





No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

United Nations



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Negative liberty is freedom from interference by other people. Negative liberty is primarily concerned with freedom from external restraint .... more here




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Negative liberty and authority ...

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 18th of March 2014 12:01:27 AM



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Discover The Offshore Banking, Business, Investing
And Asset Protection Strategies of The Smart & Savvy..

Little-Known Legal Loophole Enables
You To Reinvent Yourself as an International Citizen, Escape Burdensome Bureaucracy And Even Live Your Life Tax-Free!

Dear Friend...

Are you sick and tired of Big Brother breathing down your neck?

We certainly live in perilous times, and it's very likely the next few years will prove to be the most daunting and difficult in our entire lives.

Our political leaders flounder around trying to "fix" problems while making things worse - fiddling while Rome burns. And in the process they continue to burden us with more and more regulations and taxes, in the hope alleviating the debt burden they themselves are responsible for creating.

This process is turning us into "debt slaves", as banks and corporations are bailed out with money that has to be paid back by taxpayers - ordinary people like you and me. The fact is, you cannot trust the government to solve these enormous problems, or look after your interests. You must take the initiative, seize control and act in your own interest.

The most effective way to do this is to diversify the various economic elements of your life outside your home country and away from the clutches of the political class. This can include opening an offshore bank account and offshore asset protection, as well as international investing and business. Even your very life can be moved "offshore".

Do not allow yourself to remain hostage to political thuggery, interference, incompetence and mismanagement. Make a decision to think and act in ways that will ensure what you have worked hard to achieve will not be squandered or looted by those who deign to "rule" over you. Believe me, government is not your friend and you need to discover how to remove its tentacles from your life.

In the free e-course I offer below, you will learn various "internationalist" strategies that show you how to take advantage of the different laws in different countries, and to use these differences to maximise your personal and financial freedom.

Taking charge of your life in this way is to assert your rights as a sovereign individual, and to repudiate anyone else's right to, or claim on, your life. It's a declaration of personal independence.

So if you're looking for ways to protect what is yours and want to take action to ensure your life is not ruined by unaccountable "elites", then...


interference freedom:



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Offshore Financial Freedom

Offshore asset protection is no longer just for the ultra wealthy. Today’s growing political and financial crisis have proven to be the motivation for intelligent people electing to get their wealth out of the tax merry-go-rounds and their countries  depreciating Fiat Currency, safely relocated offshore where only they have control over their finances and can direct it as they see fit. Out of the reach of and without interference from any government, divorce  or third party legal action.

This also includes retirement funds that will be targeted by bankrupt and desperate government. Offshore banking offers far greater interest rates on deposited funds that are many times higher now and in the future than your local banks can offer. Offshore capital will no longer be vulnerable to a government confiscation in these times of financial crisis. {See Argentina and Cyprus and hundreds of  previous governments of fiat currency that have all met their collapse}.

Every fiat currency throughout the history of man has ended in collapse and today’s fiat currencies will be no different including the US Dollar, Euro Dollar and the Japanese Yen!

If you have not yet changed your investment nest egg from fiat paper currency and out of over inflated stocks for inflation proof hard assets or real money “gold and silver” I would like to encourage all to view this must see “eye opening video” … I am confident that you will want to share this brilliant video with family and friends. This video is important to anyone who pays taxes and holds fiat paper currency!



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MYTH NO.1:Offshore banking is too complicated, costly and confusing

Granted, in the early days, offshore banking was much more complicated. But the world is shrinking. New technology now allows you to bank overseas as easily and conveniently as you can bank down the street.

Every one can now be an international investor from the comfort of your own home or office. All you need is a pen, a telephone or a computer.

The few quirks of offshore banking can be learned overnight. And language is not a problem since most havens transact business in English. So do their lawyers, accountants and other professionals who aid international investors banking or conduct business within the haven.

Your professional advisor can give you a reasonably accurate estimate of costs for the various services you may require.


MYTH NO.2:Offshore banking is illegal

Tax evaders, money launderers and other scofflaws do take advantage of offshore haven’s secrecy laws. But so do many corporations who are only taking legal advantage of another country’s more enlightened laws without breaking the laws of their own country.

It’s not necessary for one to go offshore to break a few laws since we have no shortage of tax evaders, money-launderers and assorted criminals right in world wide.


MYTH NO.3:Offshore banking is too risky

Offshore rules are less restrictive than U.S. and European banking laws, so offshore banks operate with greater flexibility in deposit and withdraw, earn much more money for their investors and provide efficience service to their depositors than the overregulated U.S. and European banks.


MYTH NO.4:Offshore banking is only for the wealthy

They typify the flood of Americans and Europeans who go offshore to avoid further erosion of their Limited wealth in U.S. and European banks. Their offshore bank accounts average under $100,000. You need not be a Rockefeller to enjoy the offshore experience.



You will soon see how offshore banking can give you hither investment profits, lower taxes, more financial safety and wealth protection, and a new sense of privacy and security. It is indeed a big world out there with truly great place to put your money!

-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 18th of March 2014 12:43:42 AM



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More about the historical background and the quest for freedom:



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Our international team of lawyers, accountants and commercial experts are fully conversant with international business and the world’s tax treaties and are therefore able to offer you a bespoke advisory service which includes:

Advice on the selection, establishment and maintenance of company or trust structures
Advice on the establishment and maintenance of foundations
Advice to clients seeking to establish or restructure international or offshore operations
Advise on market entry into China, Asia and Europe
Advice on matters relating to out-sourcing and procurement in China
Corporate structuring, financial engineering and tax and VAT planning
Assistance with the implementation of trading, investment and other structures
Advice on domestic and overseas property ownership
Contractual matters, billing and other day-to-day affairs of corporate structures
Advice on utilising structures domiciled in high tax areas for international tax planning
Advice and implementation of business start-ups
Advice and implementation of cubicle/physical presence operations
Expertise in utilising double tax treaties.


OCRA Worldwide offers you a customised incorporation service on a global scale. Whether you wish to establish a corporate presence in Europe, USA, Asia, elsewhere or simply offshore, our service is rapid, cost-effective and solutions driven. Our incorporation and related services include:

Offshore company formation in all jurisdictions
Company formation in all European countries
Company formation in all 50 states of the USA
Company formation in Asia, Australia and New Zealand
Branch registration of Foreign Corporations
Representative office registration
Provision of registered office facilities
Provision of registered agents
Provision of local representatives and agents


We provide you with the security of having your company structured properly in accordance with legislation, and the statutory records and annual returns maintained on sophisticated company secretarial software to ensure the company fulfils its obligations each year. These services include:

Provision of professional directors and nominee owners
Provision of company secretaries, managers and other officers
Establishment and maintenance of statutory records
Corporate structuring
Issuance of share certificates or other ownership instruments
Preparation and filing of annual returns
Preparation and filing of licence applications
Preparation, filing and payment of licence fees
Translation services in all major languages
Corporate governance and international compliance


OCRA Worldwide is proud to offer you a range of commercial services to support and enhance your business activities. These include:

A turn-key administrative service for client companies
Project management
Arranging for the provision of legal and taxation advice and opinions
Drafting commercial agreements, consultancy and employment contracts
Assistance with the opening and operation of bank accounts
Trading and letter of credit services
A turn-key service for companies trading in or with the European Union, including VAT registration, the filing of VAT returns, management, accounting, audit of documentary credit transactions, cash management, invoicing, etc.
Payroll solutions and management
International personal pension schemes.


By entrusting us with your accounting requirements, you are not only accessing OCRA Worldwide’s global expertise, you are also freeing up yourself and your team to focus on your core areas of expertise. Our proactive accountancy teams provide:

Maintenance of accounting records, financial reporting and consolidation
The preparation of management and annual financial statements
Arranging audits
VAT advice, registration and related services
Financial modelling and forecasting
Preparation of business plans
Preparation and filing of tax returns
Debt analysis and recovery services


For private and corporate clients who are either dissatisfied with their current administrators or for clients who wish to consolidate their international corporate services through a dedicated point of contact, OCRA Worldwide can arrange to take over the management and administration of existing companies, trusts and other structures at no initial cost to the client.

Our customised virtual office service allows you to set up everything you need to run an office without having to pay the rent, salaries and overhead costs of a normal office. These services include:

Use of a prestige city business address
A local telephone number answered by our customer service centres
Call transfers to wherever you are, worldwide
Use of a fax number enabling receipt and forwarding
Mail acceptance and forwarding
Touch down office and meeting room facilities
Wide range of business support services
IT management and assistance
Online office manager


A fiduciary structure can help preserve your wealth and offer you greater flexibility over the management and distribution of your assets. The most common type of fiduciary structure is a trust, a binding arrangement whereby assets are transferred to a “trustee” who is required to administer the trust assets for the benefit of specified beneficiaries strictly in accordance with the terms of the trust. Through OCRA Worldwide’s licensed trust and trustee companies clients are offered:

A bespoke service regarding the establishment of an offshore trust
Trusteeship and related services
Administration of trust funds
Trust accounting and maintenance of asset ledgers
Reporting and filing as appropriate


Foundations are a very important component when structuring the ownership of family and corporate assets and are particularly important where trusts are generally not requested. They are in many respects similar to corporate entities but afford the protection and continuity derived from the use of trusts.

Practical uses include:

Holding assets which can be passed on from one generation to the next (estate planning)
Asset protection
Inheritance tax planning
Avoidance of forced heir ship rules
Maintenance of corporate control
Separation of voting and economic benefits
Employee share option schemes
Pension funds
Art collections
Charitable purposes


OCRA Worldwide is able to offer clients a comprehensive business-to-business Escrow Service to avoid risk for both buyer and seller and to ensure that conditions precedent are met prior to exchange.

This service is particularly important for parties who want to transact commercially but are uncertain of each other and their respective business practices and culture.

Through OCRA Marine and OCRA Aerospace based in the Isle of Man, you can avail yourself of tailored structures to own yachts, other types of vessels and aircraft. These structures offer many cost and management saving benefits which include:

Yacht and aircraft registration in a variety of jurisdictions
Liaising with classification societies
Full management and administration
Compliance and certification
Marine and aviation surveys
Tax and VAT mitigation
Temporary EU importation services
Insurance services
Competitive finance
Crew management services


Through a group subsidiary E-Solutions Limited we are able to offer turn-key solutions which include:

Web design
Database and application development
Web strategy and programming
Web localisation/transaction management
Site maintenance and support
Domain name registration
Credit card merchant accounts
Online payment processing
E-mail hosting, screening and management
Optimisation and positioning



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Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:



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Get a foothold in ocean colonization:

The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:

Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:

Ocean sphere fish farming:



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In the context of offshoring also have a look at : blockchain technology



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List of offshore financial centres

Alderney Gibraltar Nauru
Andorra Grenada Netherlands Antilles
Anguilla Guatemala Niue
Antigua and Barbuda Guernesey Norfolk
Aruba Hong Kong Oman
Antillas Holandesas Ireland Panama
Aruba Israel Philippines
Bahamas Jersey St. Kitts and Nevis
Bahrain Jordan St. Vincent
Barbados Labuan St. Lucia
Belize Lebanon Samoa
Bermuda Liberia San Marino
Botswana Liechtenstein Sark
British Virgin Islands Luxembourg Seychelles
Brunei Darussalam Macau Singapore
Cayman Islands Madeira Switzerland
Campione D'Italia Malta Turks and Caicos
Cook Islands Isle of Man UAE
Costa Rica Marshall Islands United Kingdom
Cyprus Mauritius Uruguay
Dominica Monaco USA
Ghana Montserrat Vanuatu



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Tax payers resentment:

The Shadow Banking System: A Third Of All The Wealth In The World Is Held In Offshore Banks
By Michael Snyder, on December 31st, 2010

You and I live in a totally different world than the ultra-rich and the international banking elite do. Many of them live in a world where they simply do not pay income taxes. Today, it is estimated that a third of all the wealth in the world is held in offshore banks. So why is so much of the wealth of the globe located in places such as Monaco, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Isle of Man? It isn't because those are fun places to visit. It is to avoid taxes. The super wealthy and the international banking elite think that it is really funny that our paychecks are constantly being drained by federal taxes, state taxes and Social Security taxes while they literally pay nothing at all. These incredibly rich elitists make a ton of money doing business in wealthy western nations and then they transfer virtually all of their profits offshore where they don't have to contribute any of it in taxes. It works out really great for them, but it sucks for the rest of us.

It is estimated that approximately $1.4 trillion is held in offshore banks in the Cayman Islands alone. According to an article in Forbes magazine, there is a total of approximately 15 trillion to 20 trillion dollars in offshore bank accounts, brokerage accounts and hedge fund portfolios.

A recent article in the Guardian stated that a third of all the wealth on the entire globe is held in offshore banks and that the vast majority of international banking transactions take place in these tax havens....

On a conservative estimate, a third of the world's wealth is held offshore, with 80% of international banking transactions taking place there. More than half the capital in the world's stock exchanges is "parked" offshore at some point.

All of the biggest banks in the world are involved in playing this game. All of them have big branches in these various tax havens. All of them work very hard to ensure that the tax burdens on their ultra-rich clients are as light as possible.

Nobody knows for sure how much money big governments around the globe are missing out on from all this tax avoidance, but everyone agrees the number is huge. It is at least in the hundreds of billions of dollars every single year.

It is a shadow banking system that most Americans don't know anything about. Most Americans don't have the resources to be able to set up shell companies in half a dozen different countries so that they can "filter" their profits. Most Americans don't know a thing about complicated tax avoidance plans that tax lawyers use such as the "Double Irish" and the "Dutch Sandwich". Most Americans would have no idea how to eventually have most of the money that they make end up in Bermuda so that it can avoid taxes.

No, most Americans just go to work every week and have their hard earned paychecks raped by an oppressive taxation system.

To the ultra-wealthy and the international banking system we are all just a bunch of suckers. In fact, a big portion of our taxes ends up going into their pockets to pay the interest on all of the government debt that they are holding.

When the global elite decide that they want to do some "social engineering" inside the big countries where they operate, they just set up tax-free "charitable trusts" that usually aren't very "charity-oriented" at all. Rather, many of these "charitable trusts" push the various radical political and social agendas that many of these elitists love to promote.

Examples of this include The Rockefeller Foundation and The Ford Foundation. George Soros also loves to use entities like these to push his various agendas.

The wealthy know how to play the game. For most of the rest of us, the game kicks our behinds.

So for those who are constantly screaming "tax the rich", the cold, hard truth of the matter is that those who are truly ultra-rich know how to escape just about any oppressive tax regime you may set up. They are light years ahead of the rest of us in knowing how to play the game.

What are you going to do?

Kick them out of the country?

Yeah, they will be really sad to spend even more time down in Bermuda or in the Cayman Islands.

Are you going to kick out any company that has any stock holders that have offshore bank accounts?

Well, you would have to kick out virtually every single major corporation in the United States.

This is just another example of how deeply flawed our system of income taxation really is.

Do you want to become a master of the tax code?

You might want to set aside some time for reading.

A lot of time.

The income tax code and its associated regulations contain well over 7 million words and are more than seven times longer than the Bible.

The IRS employs more than 90,000 people and it costs more than 11 billion dollars a year to operate.

Talk about a colossal waste of resources.

Meanwhile, the ultra-rich are just parking all of their money in Bermuda and the Caymans and are laughing at all the rest of us.

It would be hard to understate just how much influence and power all of this offshore money has. The ultra-wealthy and the elite international bankers own many of our largest corporations, they exert influence over central banks, they control big media outlets and they "contribute money" (bribes) to political campaigns.

The elite are always two steps ahead of any new laws that get passed. They are masters at moving money around. They will quickly find a half dozen ways around any new law that you could possibly dream up.

Most of us never even get to meet any of these incredibly wealthy individuals. They don't attend the local church or go shopping down at the local shopping mall.

No, the global elite generally live in very exclusive gated estates or hang out at the most expensive private resorts. They don't spend a lot of time mixing with the rabble.

It turns out that life is pretty good when you have a ton of money coming in and you pay next to nothing in taxes.

So the next time you get your paycheck and you see that a half a dozen things have been taken out of it, take a few moments to think of the global elite that don't pay any taxes at all and see how that makes you feel.

Hopefully when enough Americans get mad enough and start demanding change, the current income tax system will be scrapped for good and something much more equitable will be put in place instead.



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Looks to me that the age where a state could control the economy and "create something equitable" by "forcing everybody under his law", is long gone beyond the "point of no return". The question is - what comes next?
Are we approaching a new world of opt in and opt out contributions, citicenship, floating production and business clusters that arrange according to economic interests on the watersurface. Where taxes, subdue, and enforcement, are handled in one sentence with slavery and other concepts that at some point went to the trash basket of history.

The problem seems not to be that some people can escape taxes, it seems to be more that many can't. So the task is probably rather "free the unfree rest" instead of subdue the few that are free already.

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